Chapter 131

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I think some of you might be confused about the burning of the bodies from their infiltration at the warehouse and in here because Lisa said that vampires turn to ashes once dead. It's because the Párforans and Morphoménos aren't really vampires because of their incomplete conversion. They'd preserved their human flesh which rots if it is a Morfoménos and I think the vampires here in my book are lazy, so they just opted to burn the bodies instead of burying them XD.

Chapter 131


The war had passed. The victory was secured on Erolin 's side as the rebellion's father, Seung Hyun, surrendered to the Queen not long after he saw his son bleeding out on the ground, asking for him to be treated.

All rebels that were in good condition had been sent directly to the security prison while the others who needed medical attention were sent to the hospitals. The remaining insanes were then killed by the soldiers and burned on the grounds.

The people of their Kingdom had come back from their spontaneous vacation, sighing in relief when nothing had changed in the monarch, but fell in grief when they saw the news.

The war had cost them their successors.

Jiyong and Chaerin went on with their days routinely, mechanical. Reports over reports piled up in their offices about the war, census of the lives lost, lives preserved, while three undetermined.

The line of successors had already arrived from around the world, eager for the throne. It angered the Majesties, but they didn't have time to worry about political things when both their children were on the verge of death.

"We are their blood," Jiyong said through gritted teeth as he paced furiously beside Jungkook's bed while Chaerin gently wiped her son's angelic face, hoping that today the day they'd see his soft hazel eyes again.

"I am their King! I decide when I'll announce the next—" He stopped as he choked back a sob, not out of anger this time. Chaerin took note of his sharp halt and faced him with sad eyes, putting down the towel on the basin before standing up.

"Let's not mind them, love," she softly said as she walked toward her husband to rub his arm soothingly, resting it on his shoulder. Jiyong closed his eyes as he let out a shaky breath, calming his nerves.

"Let them stay here so we can prove to them how strong we raised our children to be," she said as she planted a light kiss on Jiyong's jaw. She then wrapped an arm around him in comfort, resting her head on his left chest.

"You're right," he said, determination laced in his voice. "We'll show them." He planted a kiss on his wife's forehead as he looked at his son's sleeping form. "Remind me again why we let Lisa and Jennie rest in our daughter's residence when we have so many rooms here?"

Chaerin sighed at Jiyong's persistence on the subject but understood him dearly. "Lisa had once told me about wanting to bring her lover straight to her residence once they reunited." She looked up at him to see the same disapproving look on his face as his arms wrapped around her.

"It would be so much easier to take care of them if they were all here," he said with a sigh, earning a small nod from his wife.

"Yes, but we need to respect her wish. We also have their close friends to take care of them, especially Chaeyoung and Jisoo. Taehyung is also checking on his sister every day. We don't need to worry." She tried to reassure her husband as she unwrapped themselves and walked toward the basin on the nightstand.

"Taehyung is on his way here so we can leave Kookie to him then we'll visit our daughters, okay?" Chaerin said with a small smile directed at his son, caressing his cheek lightly. "Wake up now, sleepyhead, so you can tackle your sister into waking up, too," she said as she fought back her tears.

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