Chapter 14

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Guys, guys, guys! Have you seen this already?! *insert pic above* Yaaaaa!! I'm really very excited for their mini album XD!!! And I saw some vid about Jisoo spoiling the details even before!! Haaayyy *dreamy smile*, our Jisoo unnie really loves us to death for giving us those details yet unnoticed, sneaky! Hahaha! So here ya goooo! The first update for the day. Enjoy!


I was out the door first when the bell rang.

"Unnie, wait!" "Jennie~" Rosé and Jisoo unnie said behind me. I faced them, confused.

"What?" I asked and waited for them to go outside the room.

"You said we'll hang out today?" Jisoo unnie said with her puppy eyes. I remembered what I told them yesterday.

"Oh yeah. What do you wanna do?" I asked them with my gummy smile. We don't have any school works tonight so I'm free.

"Let's go to the mall!" Chaeng excitedly said while Jisoo said, "let's go buy chicken skewers!"

I laughed softly and nodded.

"Okay, so how can we go there?" We started walking as I asked.

"We'll just go separately. We also have our cars with us," Jisoo answered which was seconded by Rosé.

"Okay. Let's just meet there," I said as I swiped my ID.

"Yep. See you!" Jisoo replied while waing as I walk away to my car.

"See you, unnie~" Rosé said as she waved and went on her way to her car.

I arrived at my car and unlocked it. I went in and placed my bag on the shotgun. I reversed the car and proceeded to go to the mall.

The mall is a 15-minute ride from our school and a 30-minute ride from our house. It was actually in the city and really huge. You could find anything you want there and there were many shops that sell good stuff, designer stuff.

I parked my car at the nearest parking space and got out with my purse. I saw three cars and a familiar ducati entering the parking lot. While waiting for them, I leaned my back on my trunk as I check my messages. There were still no messages from Taehyung. He's really enjoying, huh?

I felt someone leaned beside me. I looked to see who it was but was startled with our closeness.

"Ya! Why do you keep on getting closer to me?!" I asked, annoyed, as I tried to push her a little bit further.

"Whaattt?" She asked innocently which made me glare at her.

"Ya! You're fighting again?" Jisoo unnie asked but more like scolded when they arrived.

I turned to face her and smiled innocently, "Ani, let's go?" I asked her, clasping my arm with hers. She looked at me suspiciously but nodded.

We entered the mall and felt the cool air as we walked in. I saw people staring in our direction which made me feel uneasy.

"Jisoo unnie, are you some kind of a celebrity? Why are some people staring at us?" Rosé asked in a whisper beside her.

"Huh? Ani, I'm just really beautiful," she replied with a flip of her hair that made us laugh at her cockiness.

"Ya! Jisoo, don't be so full of yourself," Hanbin jokingly advised which earned him a joking glare from her.

We visited some shops and tried some clothes. We had this game wherein we'll pick clothes for someone in the group and let them wear it. It was like styling him/her.

We borrowed a piece of paper and a pen from a saleslady and wrote each of our names. We tore it to pieces and made a draw. Jisoo picked first, followed by Rosé, and so on.

I looked at the piece of paper and sighed in relief when I read Junhoe's name.

"Okay. We won't say who we picked, alright? No peeking. They'll know it when the fitting comes. We'll be the judge if it looks good and if it does, you have to buy it and wear it next week," we nodded at Jisoo unnie's statement.

"Okay, let's start!!" She excitedly said and the first one to run to the racks. We just shook our heads at her and went our way.


Junhoe is the somewhat serious guy and an honest one. His eyes are sharp and even though he's not wearing make-up, it's as if his eyes are lined with eyeliner.

I picked a pair of denim ripped jeans, a grey turtleneck sweater and a black blazer to top the sweater. I think these colors fit him well. Alright! I'm all done!

I went to the front of the fitting room where we all dispersed at. Jisoo and Hanbin were there already except Rosé, Junhoe and Lisa. They are a bit far from each other, not wanting the other to see the clothes they picked.

"Hey, you done?" I greeted them which made them look at me.

"Yep!" Jisoo unnie replied while Hanbin said, "Yeah."

I put down the basket of clothes and sat beside Jisoo unnie but Jisoo scooted away, "ya! I said no peeking!" She said, pointing a finger at me.

"I'm not!" I denied but she let her squinting eyes land on me as she pursed her lips. I shook my head at her while smiling my gummy smile.

They have finally arrived with the clothes they picked so Jisoo stood up, "Now that we're all here, the first person who arrived first, which is me, will let the person I picked to try the clothes. After the judgment, I will be the next to try the clothes someone picked for me," she said in a playful manner, like the hosts in the variety shows.

We just hummed in response as she walked to her basket and went to Lisa. She gave the basket to her and when she saw it, she looked at Jisoo unnie in disbelief.

"You're kidding me, right?!" Lisa said at her with disbelief evident in her voice.

Oooh! This better be good!

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