Chapter 25

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You know, I dreamed about Jenlisa again and guess what?! I'm Lisa in it and Jennie was so hot! She made me sit between her thighs! I died there! Annnndddd, it's not a wet dream, you guys. Don't be perverted! XD and guess what's more shocking? I woke up at quarter to 2pm today! Say whaatt? Hahaha! That's how long my dream was but I couldn't remember what else happened. So sad...

I wanna buy the two versions of their album but I'm broke. Donate please~ Just kidding!

The second update for the day~


I paid for their service and went to my car with Lisa. I was still shocked by what I heard from her and the butterflies were still in my stomach as my heart beat fast.

"Get in. I'll just follow you," she said behind me. "Okay," I said as I looked at her with a smile.

I unlocked my car and went inside. I looked at Lisa who was holding the door to the driver's seat.

"Drive safe," she reminded with a smile and closed the door. I looked at the desk where Nayeon and Jeongyeon were and waved them goodbye.

I reversed the car and got it out from the shop. Even though it just started yesterday, I felt uneasy not riding Lisa's Ducati with her. Driving this car felt unfamiliar now.

I saw Lisa wearing her helmet on the side and horned at her making her jump in surprise. I laughed at her and stopped a little away from her, waiting for her to rev her ride. After turning her engine on, she signaled for me to go on and I did as she told.

We rode like that, me at the front while she's behind me but the speedster side of her acted up and overtook me, smirking at me as she passed.

I shook my head at her and looked at the front where she was now. When we reached my house, I got the garage remote from my bag and opened it. I parked inside followed by Lisa.

When I got out of my car with my things, I saw Lisa getting off her ride and removing her helmet. I walked toward her and smiled at how beautiful she is just by combing her hair with her fingers.

Gaahhh! What's happening to me?

She looked at me when I reached her and smiled which I returned. "Hey, thank you for your help," I said with a smile.

"Nah. It's nothing," she said with a smile, making her nose scrunch and look so cute!

"But still, thank you," I said, "let's go?" I asked pointing at my house with my thumb.

"Ahh. Have you forgotten that our friends don't know where your house is...?" She asked which made my eyes go wide.


"Yeah, so I'll be their guide," she said while scratching her nape.

"Yeah, okay. Thanks for reminding me," I said with a thankful smile, "here," I said, giving her the garage remote.

She looked at it confusedly and looked back at me, "I want to take a nap before you arrive since you're not going to stay," I explained which made her nod and accept it. It was still 4 pm so I have 3 hours more before seven, enough time to take a nap.

"Ring the doorbell first but if I didn't come to get you, just use that. I'm entrusting you that," I said to her. I think I could trust her coz she looks rich so she doesn't need to steal anything from my house. For all I know, she's richer than me.

"Okay," she said and pocketed the remote. She suddenly leaned into my cheek for a kiss which surprised me as I looked at her, blushing. She scratched her nape, "I-uh...thank you for what you did back there. I-I thought you would agree for it to be free because of me but you proved me wrong. T-thank you for not taking advantage," she stammers as she speaks and I find it really cute.

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