Chapter 86

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"WHY?!" I screamed through my sore throat from crying too much. This is too much. I can't take this anymore!

I ran as fast as I could through the forest not caring that I always bump through the branches and trunk of the trees. The scratches weren't as painful compared to the pain in my heart. I could feel my chest constricting inside my rib cage, inhibiting my breathing and I wish I could die right now.

I stopped as I heard shuffling from around me. Right.

I clenched my fist. There's only one way to release this pain.

I ran, observing my surrounding and focusing in on my target. I'm not hungry but I have to kill.

I attacked when the deer was distracted and aimed for its neck. I gripped tight as it scrambled to be released. I stared blankly into its scared eyes, seeing my disgruntled figure in his eyes.

My tears rolling down my cheeks as it lay lifeless in my hand. This isn't enough. I thought as I dug my nails into its neck and blood pouring out, feeling dissatisfied at the easy kill and its nonexistent effect on the throbbing inside my chest.

My vision turned dark as I heard the flapping of the disturbed birds' wings from the distance, ignoring the growing hollow inside my heart. I ran fast near the area, hiding from the wild bear as it devours a large honeycomb.

I would have found it cute if not for the brewing hatred inside of me, consuming every bit of my being at this stupid turn of events.


We arrived at her house and removed our helmets. I watched as she fixed her hair with her other arm securing the helmet in her waist.

"What?" She asked shyly when she caught me staring at her. "You're just lovely, that's all," I said as I wrapped my arms around her, smiling softly at her flushed cheeks. I leaned on my bike and pulled her closer to me. She had her eyes elsewhere, ignoring my stares causing me to chuckle at her cuteness.

I nuzzled into her neck, catching her flower fragrance and citrus smell, flouting the faint sweet scent of her blood as I felt her stiffen in my hold. I felt her arms slowly draped my shoulders as she whispered softly, "what's happening to you?"

"Nothing. I've just been so happy these days because of you," I whispered lovingly on her skin as I sighed in content, making me smile at the shiver that ran through her. Little did I know, something will happen not long after.

She played with the hairs on my nape as I brought my head up to rest my forehead on hers. I bit my lower lip to suppress a smile when I saw the gummy smile that I've come to adore so much. I waited for her eyes to open as my heart beat madly inside my chest at her soft features.

I smiled softly as her eyes spoke of approval and dove to taste those lips that drove me crazy every time. Our lips moved in sync, already memorized every detail of the other, as white shocks of pleasure ran through my body and gripped tightly on her waist.

We pulled away but I just couldn't get enough as I pecked her lips continuously causing her to giggle and my heart melted at the sound of her laugh. Mesmerized, I watched in slow motion as her head fell back in cute giggles as I held back tears, laughing with her. How did I become so lucky?

We became a heaving mess after as I kissed her forehead in gratefulness. "Do you wanna stay for a few movies?" She offered as both of us couldn't let go.

"Thank you for the offer but—" I was cut by a slap on the shoulder and laughed at her cute irritated face, "yeah, yeah I do," I said between laughs as she stormed off inside first and I just shook my head, following behind her.

"What do you want for snacks?" She asked as we headed straight to their kitchen. "Anything," I replied, watching her rummage through their pantry.

"Do you want some tea?" She asked after getting some chips and popcorn out. "Definitely," I answered and helped her, putting the popcorn inside the microwave.

After fixing our snacks and drinks, we proceeded toward the living room to pick the movies.

"Come here," she patted the seat beside her and I happily obliged, cuddling her with my arms around her and her head on my chest.

I whistled my way inside our mansion but got interrupted as booming voices argued in the living room. I walked inside in a hurry, presuming that there's something bad going on.

"What's happening?" I asked curiously causing them to stand up in alert while facing me. Their faces were filled with concern and uncertainty. I don't like these kinds of situation.

A minute had gone and I received silence. Growing impatient, I said, "answer me!" They flinched with my voice but they didn't budge.

Irritated, I moved causing them to fall back a step, making me confused, "Jisoo," I said authoritatively with my intense gaze on her but she just looked down.

My heart was hammering inside my chest. Did something bad happen? I looked around, seeing that there's no one missing among them. So what's the problem?

I roamed my eyes once more and caught sight of a paper hiding behind Irene. The feeling of anticipation and fear danced inside me. It's one of the missing pages of the book. What could be written on it to make them this agitated?

"Irene," I called with authority, her cowering stance didn't surprise me anymore though she hid the paper once more.

"Give me that damn page," I said in a dark voice, my patience growing thin. She looked at me with that hopeless gaze, shaking her head in disapproval.

"Don't make me kill you, Irene!" I said angrily as my other friends tensed around me. Fear danced in her eyes but she didn't move, my vision turned dark and observed as my friends' stance grew instantly alarmed.

I walked forward, making them step back but readied for my attack. What could possibly be written on it?

My thoughts swarmed inside my head as I moved swiftly, catching them off guard and in just a split second, the paper is in my hand.

I regret reading the page and I wish I didn't have to.

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