Chapter 112

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"Are you sure about what you're going to do?" Jisoo asked as she crossed her arms on her chest. We were at the kitchen preparing some snacks. I put the washed grapes on the plate as I nodded and looked at her. "Yes, I am. It is only right for her to know about my past," I answered as I wiped my hands dry with one of the towels on the kitchen counter. "But what if she leaves you?" She countered as she looked at me with concern.

I chuckled dryly, "it is just a natural reaction if she chooses to leave me," I smiled wryly as I leaned on the counter while facing her with my own crossed arms. "She would experience it firsthand so you can imagine her fright once she wakes up," I shrugged, feigning nonchalance even though I was still terrified to let her see through my past.

"Do you have plans if she really left?" Jisoo asked while looking behind me at Jennie who was in the living room, talking and laughing with all of my friends. I shook my head as an answer. "I haven't thought about that yet but I will not leave her. I will still protect her even if it's only in the dark. She would definitely ask for space or end it altogether but I still hope for otherwise." I bit my lip in anxiety of what's ahead.

I was having second thoughts about it but the thought of her learning about it from other people other than me is something I don't like to happen. I wanted it to come from me because it is my past and it is necessary for her to know it in order for our relationship to step up. I also didn't want our enemies to use it against me. It is better to let her know and for her to decide what she's going to do about it. If she chooses to leave, I would still be satisfied, albeit sad, that I had let her in about my past. I really don't have anything to lose, except her.

She sighed and uncrossed her arms, walking toward me. "I won't let you get through that alone. I'll be there," she patted my shoulder as she spoke. I smiled anxiously and nodded as I reached for the plates of sandwiches and fruits on the counter while she picked up the drinks. We walked toward the living room, Jennie's eyes bore into mine as she wore one of her gummy smiles. I gave her a smile of my own and put down the plates of food.

I sat beside her as my left arm instinctively wound up around her shoulder, moving her close to me. She reached for two sandwiches and gave me one. It was already half past nine and the group was taking time to get to know Jennie better. "Why are you so quiet?" Jennie whispered to me as she took a bite on her sandwich. I looked at her, "I'm just worried that your brother might take you away from me," I placed a kiss on her forehead as she lightly smacked me on my chest.

"He won't. I won't let him," she said and bit jokily on my shoulder while I let out a small laugh. "Jennie, finish your sandwich first before you devour your next meal," Bobby jokingly said which caused us to burst out in laughter while Jennie hid her face on my shoulder. I finished off my sandwich and hugged her while kissing all over her head, unable to resist her cuteness, ignoring the displeased grunts from our friends.

"Get a room, y'all," Jisoo lightly threw a pillow at us while we just chuckled in each other's arms. "You're just jealous that you don't have someone to cuddle with," I teasingly said while I braced myself for another attack, hearing chuckles from everyone. The group continued to tease each other until quarter to eleven and decided that it's time for bed.

"Can I borrow a pair of sweats?" She asked when we arrived at my room. I hummed as I hugged her from behind, walking toward the bed but she directed us toward the closet. "You can just borrow an oversized shirt. It would be enough to cover your legs, even up to your knees because of how short you are," I laughed at her, directing her toward the oversized shirts but yelped at the hard smack on my arm.

I unclasped our hug to rub on the spot as she glared at me. I just smiled awkwardly at her while pointing on the cabinet where the sweats are. "You can shower first. The unused undergarments are on that drawer," I pointed at one of the draws and opened the bathroom door for her. "I'll be outside," I said before walking out into my bedroom, jumping on my bed.

I heard the shower run as I closed my eyes, thinking of a plan for tomorrow and for afterwards. I sighed, imagining the scared expression in her eyes as she looked at me. I couldn't bear to see it but I couldn't let my past be something that could tear us apart. I wanted it to be a turning point. Something that marks the get-to-know stage of our relationship, something that she dearly wanted, to know me. If she couldn't bear to be with me after seeing those gruesome scenes of my past, we couldn't really make this relationship work.

I heard the door to the closet open but I didn't open my eyes. I let my senses absorb her. I could hear her breathing as drops of water touch the floor; the light rub of the towel on her hair as she dried it while her toes scraped on the floor as she looked at me in wonder. She let out a breath before she spoke in a whisper, "you awake?" I smiled and sat up. I let my eyes travel on her form and her white oversized shirt registered in my mind.

"I see you pondered on my recommendation," I smirked as I stood up to make my way toward her. She bit her lip as her eyes follow me while she had her right arm behind her to dry her hair. I wound up my arms around her waist, the oversized shirt reaching her mid-thigh. I could smell my peach shampoo on her hair as I kissed her forehead. "I'll just take a shower," I whispered as I stole a quick kiss on her lips.

She gasped in surprise while I chuckled and skipped toward the closet doors. I undressed and let the warm water touch my skin. I reached for the towel and dried myself as I stepped out of the shower. I smiled as I picked out a white oversized shirt to pair with her. I dried my hair a few more minutes and walked out of the closet. She was already lying on the bed, following me with her eyes, when I walked in.

I grabbed the comb on the bedside table and combed my hair. I jumped on her side as she squealed and giggled while I scooped her toward me to lay her on my chest, our bare legs tangling. I sighed in happiness as I played with her soft hair.

She faced me with her furrowed eyebrows, her chin resting on my chest. "Vampires have heartbeats?" She asked in fascination as she childishly placed her ear on my chest to clearly hear it. I chuckled and shook my head lightly though she couldn't see, "no, they don't," I answered with a smile as I thought of her next question.

"Then why do I hear yours?" She sat to face me fully, her questioning gaze looking into mine as I placed an arm around her. "This heart only beats for you," I sincerely answered and fell in love with her even more as love and happiness travelled through her eyes while she looked at me.

I wish you could still look at me like that once you see through my past.

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