a small gift

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for jisoo, and jisoo only.
inspired by this photo, which isn't mine. credits belong to the owner.



this might be weird
coming off too strong
but whenever i see your face
everything feels so wrong

a wrong in a good way
feeling adrenaline through my veins
my mind going overdrive
beating of my heart going haywire

the sight of your smile
it makes me cry
i wouldn't exchange it for nothing
cause your goofiness makes me feel something

this is impromptu
like my love for you
all along, it was there
don't know how long i could bear

your laugh is the most beautiful
possess an eye smile that could melt the world
love the way you close your eyes
when you want to feel something inside

i don't know what you're looking for
as your heart is a free soul
you can have anything you want
but just for the sake of others, you can't.

i love your selfless attitude
but you always hide behind a hood
keeping youself in for others
but i see you and it hurts

i want you to be selfish for once
for once, spread out your hands
and accept all the love we give you
and take it in, just so you know we're here.

i love you, jisoo.

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