Chapter 29

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Here's the second update guys! Enjoy~


I need to know more about her.

That was the first thought I made after devouring a total amount of five animals. I need to know who she is and why her blood smelt like that. I need to know before I could do something I will regret later.

I decided to follow her to get information. I left my Ducati where she was at when I ran to feed. I observed her from afar as she talked on the phone. I could see how her eyes lit up while she was talking and it made me smile. She's really cute!

I used my vampire hearing to listen to their conversation.

"Where are you?" I heard a male's voice on the other line. Is he her boyfriend?

"I'm near the forbidden land," I heard her answer. Forbidden land? Where the hell was that?

Is there some kind of a haunted place here? I shivered when I thought about it. I'm afraid of ghosts!

"Okay. I'm coming for you," I heard the guy said.

"You're here already?!" I rolled my eyes at her excitement. She's such a kid. For all I know her boyfriend is a middle-aged man. And why am I acting like this?

"Yes and I really miss you already! I'll be there quickly, wait for me," He said sweetly which made me wanna vomit.

"Yes! Thank you!" She said in excitement and ended the call.

I saw her walking toward her car and getting inside. She played some songs on the radio and I unconsciously smiled as I watched her dancing to the beat and singing with the singer. I shook my head at her. This girl is something.

I straightened up when I heard her thoughts shifted to me, not knowing why. I laughed at myself. What's happening to me?

I smirked when she said that she regretted asking for my name and when it shifted to what I did earlier about using my vampire speed, I winced, scolding myself for not being careful around humans.

I saw her pull on her hair in frustration because of me. I'm sorry, beautiful.

I heard a car's engine from a distance and it horned when it was near the girl's car.

She excitedly went out of her car and jump in his arms, making me roll my eyes at them. The guy was disappointingly not a middle-aged man. He was about her age but the guy was wearing a business-like outfit.

"Tae! Gosh! I missed you so much!" I heard her say which I imitated in an annoying kid's voice out of irritation. Why am I like this? I should stop!

I watched them bicker cutely with each other which irritated me more.

"Ya! You're only a minute older than me!" I heard her retort. What? They are twins?! And here I am acting like a jealous girlfriend?!

I fanned myself to cool down from my irritation and anger at myself. What is happening to you Lisa? You have to focus on your task!

I saw Tae moving toward her car, asking for the problem. He did what I did earlier and fixed her car and then they went ahead to their house.

I followed them using my vampire speed and stealth to know where their house was and immediately went to fetch my vehicle where I left it. I'll just stop by their house later. I just have to bring this back to the mansion so that I could sneak into their house without them noticing.

I sneakily went to the mansion fast and left it in the parking lot and ran toward her house. It was a really beautiful house. It was big but not as big as our mansion. It was perfect for a family and it has the ambiance of a healthy home.

It was already getting dark. I smelt something delicious from the house. That's my vampire smell for you.

Though my senses were heightened, I just use it sometimes when it was really necessary. My vision can see through a 3-kilometer radius but the surrounding must be clear and nothing must be on the way unless it was glass or a thin sheet of something but my sense of feeling can go beyond those hindrances and has a wider range of 5-kilometer radius though I could control the range if I want to so that I could concentrate to what I was finding.

I decided to survey the area and I heard them talking about eating in their backyard so I went to check on them there. There was a big oak tree near the high wall. A perfect place to hide.

I looked around to see if there's someone and when I was sure there was none, I jumped on the high wall and landed on top with my feet. Smooth!

I held on to the branches of the oak tree and found a perfect spot to observe them.

They were placing their foods and drinks on the table and the foods looks so inviting. I heard my stomach grumble from the sight. Lisa! You just devoured five animals earlier and now, you're hungry again?!

If you're confused, we, vampires can eat like humans do. It was because we only drink from animals so it lessened our intolerance with human food but we have to pick only one. It was either to drink blood or eat like a human in a day. It's not possible for us to drink blood and eat food at the same time. We will just puke the food out after like 20 minutes of it being in our stomach.

Though it also affects our vampire senses in a way that it weakens but the situation with me was different. Even though I only drink animal blood, my senses were still the same because I'm a royal-blooded vampire but in the case of my friends, theirs weakened.

We were required to only drink from animals to bring no harm to the humans and to not bring attention to us. We were trying to coexist with them to have a peaceful long life because we suffered enough hundreds of years ago.

Jisoo, Junhoe, and Hanbin were really not my friends, well, they were my friends, best friends actually but in the eyes of other vampires, they were only my servants though I don't treat them that way. I treat them as family because father and mother always have to go and take care of vampire businesses in every country and their other businesses which are the ones known to the humans.

I was interrupted by the laughter coming from the mysterious girl. She's really beautiful, especially, when she laughs.

"You know, I miss the old Jennie. The one who's always smiling and has that friendly aura around her," her brother said as he points around her.

I saw her look down and what intrigued me was the next words she said, "She's dead, Tae."

What made you say that, Jennie?

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