Chapter 68

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Hey, guys!!! How are you today? Can you believe that I woke up at 4pm today? Silly, right? HAHAHA. It's been raining heavily today and I'm here cooped up in bed for the whole day and because of that, this chapter isn't the best I could do for today's update. 

I'm sorry, guys. I'm having writer's block because I kept thinking of going back to sleep again, hahaha.

Well, a fan spotted the girls at a place and Jenlisa looked so good! The fan said that Chaesoo were barefaced so s/he didn't take a shot of them.

Well, a fan spotted the girls at a place and Jenlisa looked so good! The fan said that Chaesoo were barefaced so s/he didn't take a shot of them

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"For being you and for being here with me."

I was stunned for a moment. I didn't know how to react as my mind went blank and my heart raced fast. I was overwhelmed of the fact that she's here with me too and that we're going on a date soon.

I felt my cheeks flushed with color and the only thing that came out from my lips was, "hehe..." and looked away out of embarrassment while she just laughed at me, "what? The ever so cocky Lisa was stunned by just that?" She teased while I just glared at her.

She flashed her gummy smile at me and returned to eating. We ate silently and only the utensils made a sound. I poured us a glass of water while eating a bacon strip, earning a silent 'thank you' from her. I drank it, feeling satisfied as the pancakes occupied my stomach.

I wiped my mouth and leaned my arms on the counter while looking at her. She just finished drinking her water when I asked her, "how does Wednesday sound to you?"

She looked at me and smiled, "it's fine. What are we going to do, by the way?"

I smirked, "it's a surprise," I mysteriously said, making her pout. "I don't like surprises," she cutely said, making me smile at her cuteness and patting her head, earning a glare from her. "Don't worry. You'll like it," well, will she?

"You already planned it out?" She confusedly asked me while I just smiled cheekily at her, "yeah." I saw her smirk teasingly at me, "so you've been wanting to date me all along?" She said making me shut up and blush at her teasing. Damn! Am I that obvious?

I heard her stifle a laugh while a blush formed on her cheeks. She looks so cute, oh my gaawd!!

"So you do?" She looked at me with a smile and I don't really have a reason to lie now because I have been caught, "y-yeah," I scratched my nape in shame.

Well, to tell you the truth, I've been imagining us going on dates together when I'm at my room and I squeal quietly all the time. Call me whipped but I really love being with her that I would sacrifice anything just to be with her at all times.

She just laughed softly and pinched my cheeks, catching me off-guard, "you're so cute!" She said and left me, going to the sink to put our plates down. I just watched as she turned around to face me, leaning on the sink. "So, uhm, do you have anything to do?" She asked as she looked down in shyness as I rest my head on my hand while my elbow's on the counter.

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