Chapter 97

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Before I forget, I love you guys! And I decided that I'd just put some photos above ^^ so it wouldn't be so plain hehe. Alright, goodbye.



Jennie has been quiet for a while now. She was just silently moving around the kitchen as she prepared for our lunch. She didn't want me to help now. I didn't really know what I did.

I sighed, "what's wrong?" I didn't try to mask the sadness laced in that question. "Jennie," I dragged on her name when she didn't respond. She was busy making the avocado salad with some shrimps or something to pay attention to me. She brought down the ladle when she had enough of my whining.

Her glare took me by surprise. I almost lost my balance on my seat. "What?" She asked with hidden anger, which was totally obvious with her glare. I decided I don't want to be on the receiving end of her wrath ever again. "What did I do wrong? Are you angry at me right now?" I slowly went toward her, treading carefully because I've never dealt with an angry Jennie before.

"What are you hiding from me?" That struck a nerve, making me unable to move. Her eyes were brimming with tears and I pursed my lips. My heart turned cold as I witnessed her being, crumbling in front of me. "I..." It came out in a shaky breath. She shook her head and my heart broke at her tight fists on the kitchen counter. "We don't really know each other. All I know is that we go to the same school and you're 21 but I'm not even sure if that's true," she said in frustration.

I must've overwhelmed her with all the mysteries of my existence and added to that was her ability to hear my thoughts which was slowly making her doubt her sanity. I gritted my teeth before sighing and walking slowly toward her with caution.

"Are you sure you wanted it?" This was the part where I was damn scared of what she'll say. My world was nothing like hers. It was dark, cold, grim, and putrid. It was nothing compared to the beautiful, pleasant, and perfect world she lived in.

I caressed her cheek and wiped the tear that was close to flow down her face. "I love you," and I was struck by lightning. My heart pounded loudly and slowly inside my chest and eventually gained speed as I froze in front of her with wide eyes. My ears ringed as I witnessed enlightenment with one curve of her lips.

"I'll take all of you in until we're one," I furrowed my eyebrows. Once again, I knew that meant something other than what was obvious right now. I pushed that at the back of my head, "Wednesday, then," I said which made her furrow her eyebrows.

Despite the fear of losing her, those three words she just said made me invincible and confident that if, after all I'll say about my world, she'll stay away from me, I could win her over again and again and again. I have an eternity to win her again and I'm ready for what's to come. "Say it again," I smiled so wide at her. She raised one of her brows, "what?"

I whined, "say those three words again," I said giddily which made her let out a hearty laugh. "Oh come on," I cornered her in my arms and nuzzled in her neck to tickle her. She squealed so loud and tried to get away from me while giggling.

"Lisaaa!" I didn't stop so, "alright, alright!" She surrendered and pushed me a little to look at my face. "I love you," she bit her lip as she suppressed a smile and looked down. My heart was dancing in my chest as I lifted her chin up with my index and thumb.

"I love you too, so much," I said before I claimed her lips for a kiss that definitely sealed the deal for me.

I'll take all of you in until we're one.

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