Chapter 59

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I'll give you one more today as an apology gift to all of you my beloved readers and I'm ending JK's POV as a treat for myself because I want to go back to feeding my JenLisa heart. I'll start again tomorrow, I promise.

I really like this JenLisa video. You could see a story in it and I love it. Obsessed Jennie doing everything to own Lisa, hahaha. It looks hot though. Is there any book you know that has this kind of concept? Tell me so I could read it. this really a story?

Anyways, I'm open for recommendations for Jenlisa books but I prefer finished stories because I sometimes forget the plot if it was not updated from time to time.



My mind was still clouded with thoughts as I go on with the day. I sent Jimin away to find Seungri. It would be hard for him to do so but I still gave him that task.

Seungri was my father's most trusted friend. He was his right hand and father sent him away to do god knows what at god knows where. It was still a mystery to me why he had to go but I was dreading that it has something to do with the twin's case.

I successfully closed the deal on my own and went back to my hotel suite after.

I left while Taehyung was still asleep. I didn't have the chance to sleep because the presentation was this morning so I just went with the day, sleep-deprived.

When I arrived at the hotel, Taehyung was nowhere in sight. He's probably fixing his things now or he's already at the villa he was talking about. I sighed as questions filled my mind again.

Why is Seungri involved with the two?

Why was he there?

Was my father involved too?

Are they the ones who killed their parents?

The last question was what made my heart beat in fear. I couldn't even question why my heart is beating like this.

When I went through the happenings in the dream, it didn't really seem like they were the killers. I know in my heart that Seungri was not the type to kill and so was my father. Definitely not my father.

And with what Seungri told him as a replacement for the true events were 'we're the police, we got you now' which was a lie but a good lie to cover up how fast they responded with the situation.

If they wanted to harm Taehyung and his sister, they could've done it in that instant but they were still alive today.

I know now that they were somehow involved but how? Why?

I didn't know I fell asleep when I was woken up by the loud banging on my door. I groggily sat up and walked toward the door as I shout, "coming!"

The banging stopped and I opened it, seeing Taehyung's smiling face. I felt dread all of a sudden as I thought about how our lives are interconnected by a mysterious link.

"Hey! I-uh," he scratched his head cutely, "let's have dinner for the last time," he smiled sheepishly at me as I just looked at him blankly. I didn't know I would feel scared to see his smiling face turn to something filled with hate as he look at me if he ever find out about what's keeping us connected.

I swallowed the lump in my throat, trying to blink the tears that were starting to fill my eyes. "Y-yes, I would love that," I smiled faintly at him. I opened the door for him and ask him to wait for me while I change into some comfortable clothes as I was still in my business suit.

We went down the lobby again. I was heading toward the restaurant but he dragged me to the other direction.

"Let's go some other place," he smiled at me, his hand on my wrist. My heart was in pain as I continuously walk beside him. I was slowly dying inside at the sight of his cheerful self.

How can he be this strong?

He didn't let go of my wrist as he dragged me toward a French restaurant somehow close to the hotel.

"So, how was your meeting?" He asked as we looked through the menu the waiter gave us.

"It went well. I successfully closed the deal," I never felt this accomplishing talking about a closed deal.

"Oh, great! I'm happy for you," he happily said as he gave his orders. I smiled widely, "thank you," I said after I gave the menu, saying my orders next.

We ate in silence, chatting some more in the middle and laughing at our shared stories. The night never felt so beautiful as we strolled the street in silence with a smile on our faces.

"Have you packed your things?" I asked when I looked at him.

"Yeah. I'll go there later," he wrapped his arm around my shoulder, "thank you for the help, buddy," he played with my hair, causing me to glare at him in annoyance. He just laughed at me and we continued walking.

When we arrived at the hotel, I helped him with his luggage and walked him out.

"I guess this is it," he said with a sad smile. No, it's not.

"Yeah, I guess. Enjoy your vacation," I hugged him in a manly way and smiled when we pulled away. He eventually entered the taxi we hailed and I waved him goodbye as his taxi drove away. I sighed and took the elevator to my suite.

I packed my bags because it was also my schedule to go there. I checked out and hailed a cab toward the villa. I wonder what Taehyung's reaction would be when I see him again. My eyes became droopy as the cab moved. My sleep was catching up with me. I closed my eyes and found a comfortable position to sleep.

I'll just call Lisa tomorrow.

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