Chapter 16

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AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!! Guys!!! I'm screaming!! Can you hear it?! I'm so excited for BLACKPINK'S Comeback and WOW! This teaser killed me! The audio was really catchy! It made my heart jump to the beat!! It was not an exaggeration! And Rosé's voice at the end was so beautiful, I'm crying!! I really miss them so much and now, I can't wait to see these babies again TT TT . 

Well, anyways, here's the update guys! Yesterday's updates were about the bonding among the group and todaaayy's updates will solely be Jenlisa moments ;). I'll leave you guys for a moment. I'll just have to kill the replay button then I'll be back XD


"I'll see you tomorrow, guys!" I said as I walked away from them with my shopping bags.

"Okay! Bye!" They simultaneously said and went their way to their respective cars. Their cars were parked away from mine because the parking spaces here were full.

I was walking toward my car, unlocking it, when someone called my name.

"Jennie!" I heard a familiar male voice said as footsteps come from behind me. I walked faster just to avoid him but he did the same and got my arm to turn me around.

"Ah-ah-ah~ Hello, Jennie!" Chanyeol menacingly said as his grip tightened around my arm, making me wince in pain.

"Long time, no see, Jennie," He said in anger when I stayed silent, his grip tightening. I just glared at him, not showing any weakness.

"Ya~ You finally have your chance for revenge, Chanyeol!" I heard Kyung-soo said behind him.

"What do you want?" I asked in a deep voice, trying not to let the pain seep through my voice.

"Ooooh~ Still the same huh, Jennie?" Kai asked with a smirk as he stood beside Chanyeol who was still glaring at me.

"Well. Nothing, really. Just wanna take you for a walk so we can talk," Chanyeol intimidatingly said as he pulled me with him, pushing me to walk. I tried escaping his hold while being dragged but his grip was too strong.

Suddenly, Chanyeol got stopped by a familiar sound of a motorcycle roaring, getting closer and closer. It came into view with a familiar girl on it as it parked in front of us. She killed the engine and got off her vehicle, removing her helmet. Such a show off.

She glanced at me but ignored me as her cold gaze darted toward Chanyeol who still had his hand gripping my arm. She stared at his hand on my arm, "what are you doing?" she asked in her cold voice, making me shiver.

"And who are you?" Chanyeol replied with a smirk. She glared at him intensely which made her look so scary, I could've peed in my pants if not for the thoughts in my head, telling me; she's so hot when she does that.

Lisa glanced at me for a second with furrowed eyebrows but turned her attention to Chanyeol immediately.

"Let go," she commanded in an intimidating voice that made Chanyeol take a step back from fear, taking me with him. He didn't back away though, "I said, who are you to tell me what to do?!" He said, aggravated.

"Let go before I get your hand dislocated into your mouth," Her intimidating voice intensified as she walked slowly toward us that made the three shake in fear. Chanyeol removed his hand from my arm and ran away with his minions.

I massaged my arm, hoping for the pain to go. I heard footsteps coming toward me, "hey, are you okay?" She asked in concern but I turned away from her, "it's none of your business," I said in my own cold voice as I started to walk toward my car.

She grabbed my other arm, being considerate, "hey, I'm talking to you," she said as she turned me to face her.

I glared at her in anger, "I don't wanna talk to you," I said in anger and forced my arm out of her grip, turning to walk away again. She grabbed it, turning me to face her again. I saw her dark angry eyes which made her look hot, by the way, but that's off the topic.

"I just saved you and I didn't even get a 'thank you'?!" She said in anger. I winced and forced my arm out of her grip and replied with the same angry eyes, "I didn't ask you to!"

"What the heck is your problem?!" She asked, flailing her arms in anger.

"I could ask you the same thing!" I said, remembering her treatment toward me.

"It's none of your business," her voice went back to being cold which amazed me. Is she bipolar?

She glared at me but I didn't care, "and mine's not yours too. This nonsense is over. Goodbye." I turned to leave but I felt her cold hand grab mine.


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