Chapter 83

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Hello everyone! Okay, first off, thank you for sticking to this story of mine. I didn't know there are many people actually waiting for this to get updated. You made my heart burst y'all.

Second, I missed their We Will Channel You episode today or is it yesterday? It's 14th here now in our country, hehe.

Third, as promised (what promise? Did I promise? Joke.), here's the most awaited first update for my break, give it up for... Chapter 83!

Okay, I'm crazy, begin!



"Hey," I shyly greeted her as we stand at my gate. I could still remember what happened last night. It honestly played in my head like a broken cassette player all night. I couldn't really sleep because of it.

She had the biggest smile on her face that made her irresistibly cute this early in the morning. "Hey," she replied in a chirpy voice which made me laugh.

"Did you eat breakfast yet?" I asked as I invite her in. "Not yet. I want to have breakfast with you," she said with a soft smile and planted a kiss on my cheek. Heat rushed through my cheeks as I slapped her shoulders repeatedly, "it's early in the morning," I said which earned a chuckle from her as we walked toward our kitchen.

"What? It was just a peck on the cheek," she amusedly said with a raised eyebrow. I rolled my eyes and proceeded to rummage our ref for ingredients.

"I just...haven't gotten over last night yet," I shyly said. I could still feel her on my lips and it continuously made me feel tingles every time I remember it.

An arm snaked its way around my waist, "well, that makes two," she said softly then reached for the things in my hand and leaving me frozen on my stand.

"So, when's the next date?" I turned toward her seeing her smirking while leaning on the counter. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, "what?" She laughed at my confusion.

"You'll be the one in-charge next, right?" She smiled at me while I moved toward her. "Hmm..." I contemplated as I leaned on the counter while facing her.

"Hmm?" She urged then wrapped her arms around my waist, pulling me closer to her. "What about Saturday?" I asked as I looked at her. Her face is close enough for me to feel her minty breath fanning my face.

She hummed and smiled adoringly, "okay," then kissed my forehead, letting it linger a little longer as I closed my eyes with a soft smile. This sweet girl is really mine? God, I'm so freaking lucky!

We pulled away and let our eyes meet as smiles broke free from our faces then chuckled as we both looked away, feeling my cheeks burn and my heart swell.

"My stomach's growling. What's for breakfast?" She smiled cheekily as I looked through the ingredients scattered on the counter.

"Omelet and waffles," I decided and looked at her for approval. She nodded rapidly with an excited smile, "what do I do to help?"

"Uh, you? No thanks, you'll burn the house," I joked, making her pout and whine, "ya~! I already proved my cooking yesterday," she said sadly.

I laughed, "for all I know, it's just a one-time thing," I teased her, making her pout even more and moved away from me toward the breakfast counter with her shoulders slouched.

I snickered silently and moved toward her, "aww~. My baby's sad," I said with my arms hugging her from the back, preventing her from occupying a seat. I kissed her shoulder, "I'm just teasing," I said cutely and pulled her backward to where we were.

She chuckled at my antics and unclasped my arms around her, facing me. "Oh, what would I do with you?" She cooed while pinching my cheeks, "ouch, ouch~" I complained and pouted. She's harassing my cheeks!

She cackled then placed a kiss on my nose, making me flutter my eyes close at the sudden contact. Our eyes met as a soft sigh left my mouth at the feelings she's giving me. Her eyes flickered toward my lip, making my knees weak as her fingers traveled from my cheeks toward my jaw, tracing it then settling on my chin.

I gulped as I clasped my hand on the hem of her shirt for support, my eyes never leaving hers. My eyes traveled down to her lips as my breaths became shallow and the air growing thick with tension then watched her lips move, "c-can I?" She asked unsurely while caressing my chin.

I let out a breath in amusement, "Lisa..." I dragged, looking away then at her, "what?" She looked scared for a moment. I leaned my back on the counter, dragging her close to with my hand on her shirt as I let her corner me.

I traveled my eyes and hands from the hem of her shirt to the collar of her leather jacket, "you don't really have to ask," I said when I finally met her eyes that seemed to grow darker a little, worry still written on them.

I felt her heave a sigh of relief which made me smile a little as I tugged on her collar, asking for her to come closer. This will be our second kiss, if ever.

I looked into her soft eyes and drowned in them, her minty breath touching my skin. I closed my eyes then leaned in, feeling sparks and tingles all over my skin as her lips met mine. A shaky breath left my mouth as our lips parted for a millisecond then met again in a slow kiss.

A smile formed on my lips as her arms found my waist, pulling us closer together. Taehyung better not mess with us today.

My hands traveled on her chin, tracing her jaw as we kissed. Eventually, the air thinned out in our lungs and we have to pull away. I let my forehead rest on hers as our ragged breathing fill the silence in the kitchen.

I opened my eyes, catching her looking at me adoringly and I couldn't help but smile softly at her with my flushed cheeks. "Nothing could ever top that feeling," she shook her head in disbelief and I had to chuckle softly at her amazement. I really have no words and I agree with her.

"Yeah, but that's the only kiss you'll ever get for today," I smirked then pulled away. It's already 6:45 AM and we haven't started our breakfast yet.

"What?" She asked in disbelief as I prepared our breakfast. "Are you kidding me~?" She whined like a kid while following me.

I looked at her distressed self, "no," I answered then went back to my business while laughing silently.

"I-it's like, bringing me in a toy store and telling me to roam around then telling me that I couldn't buy the things that I picked, like, like a claw machine!" She rambled like a kid which made me burst out laughing at her analogy.

"What~?" She whined while stumping her feet as she looked at me. I placed a quick peck on her lips to shut her up and it worked. "I'm just kidding," I said with a light laugh and took the chance to heave deep breaths to calm my breathing.

She crossed her arms and furrowed her eyebrows, still with a pout, and looking like a grumpy kid, "I hate you," she said cutely but a small smile was making its way on her lips.

"Yeah, yeah. But seriously, a claw machine?"

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