Chapter 22

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Hey guys!!! I'm back and I've became more blessed when I saw Jenlisa's teasers!! This GG is really killing me!! I can't post their teasers simultaneously, huhu. But I know you guys saw it already and I was just late. Here is the first update today!


We finished our breakfast and we proceeded to her Ducati. We wore our helmet simultaneously and climbed onto our seats.

"Now, hold on," she said and I did as she said, placing my arms around her waist and tightening it.

We drove toward our school and reached there faster than my car. She's really a speedster!

We got off her bike and removed our helmet, shaking our heads to let our hair loose. I combed my hair with my fingers as she did hers too. I combed my hair to the side and noticed people staring at us which made me confused and irritated.

"LISA!!" We heard someone shout from the entrance of the building. We looked at who it was and it was Jisoo unnie, running like a kid toward us, our other friends on her trail.

She stopped and looked teasingly at Lisa, "So Jennie is the somewhere you're talking about going to, hmm?" She teased her as she wiggled her eyebrows at Lisa. Lisa just glared at her.

"Why are you two together, huh?" Junhoe stared suspiciously at us as he asked.

I didn't know what to say but luckily, Lisa saved me, "it's a long story. Now come on, we're late," she said as she started to walk toward the entrance. While we're walking, she looked at me and saw me looking at her. I smiled at her thankfully which she returned as we turn away.

Classes started and we're now in our Acting 101 class. Ms. Suzy was discussing about the plays from the 18th century and announced a project that we would do.

"Alright, guys. Pick your partners now," Ms. Suzy instructed, "next week will be the deadline, okay?!" She added over the commotion around her.

I just remained seated because they all know that I won't consider having a project partner. I do projects on my own. I don't need any help.

I heard some people calling out for Lisa from afar, probably wanting her to be their partner. I suddenly felt someone's shadow looming over me and then sat next to me. The chanting of Lisa's name stopped which made me look up in confusion.

They were all looking at my direction which made me furrow my eyebrows and look at my side. And there she was sitting beside me with her legs crossed and her left arm resting on the backrest of her chair, her head resting on it as she faced my direction with a smile.

"Do you wanna be my partner?"

"Why would I want to?" I asked with a smirk which made her pout. I could still feel the stares at us.

"Come on~ Don't reject me in front of them~" she complained with her eagyo voice, the last part intended just for me to hear in a whisper.

I leaned on my chair and acting like I'm thinking about it with my thumb and forefinger on my chin.

"What's in it for me?" I smirked at her. "I know everything about 19th century," she replied with a smirk.

"Come on~ I hate attention, just accept me!" She replied in annoyance which made me chuckle softly.

"Alright, alright. Me too," I said with a nod which made her smile and moved closer to me, dragging her chair while sitting on it. I shook my head at her laziness and went back to my notes.

I heard murmurs from the class which I ignored. "Now, what would we do?" I heard her ask so I faced her but got startled to know that our faces are merely two inches apart. "Ya! Move a little further!" I said as I moved her face away from me. Her face is cold.

I saw her pout but I didn't mind it, "why is your face cold? Do you get cold easily? Wear your jacket, you idiot!" I said in concern but her reaction was weird. Her facial expression turned into a poker face but she wore her jacket silently.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "hey, are you okay?" I asked but she just smiled plainly at me.

"You know what? Let's just do this later at my house since all of our friends also decided to team up," I said at I gestured to our friends with my head. Junhoe was seated beside Hanbin where Lisa was before and Jisoo was with Rosé at the front.

She just nodded silently, looking deep in thought, which made me shake my head in confusion.

Her bipolar is acting up again.

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