Chapter 78

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Guys, I'm so sorry for the long wait. I didn't have internet for more than a week and I couldn't really live off of mobile internet because it sucks, you feel me?

I officially started college last Wednesday but I'll rant about it next time but for now, I'll give you this because y'all overwhelmed me with a thousand notifications, HAHA! Thank you guys for the love you're giving this story even though I'm not able to update it for a while.

I'm just going to tell you that updates will be posted irregularly but I'll try to make this work. I want to finish this story and we're not even in the quarter of it yet, haha. Will you still be up for it? Even if it'll be a 200-chapter story? Well, I'll just keep on updating this until it's done but I hope you're with me until the end.

Okay, here's the update. I just hope this sorry excuse of an internet will work.



We proceeded to our class after our conversation in the hallway which was when the bell rang. I was still hyped about Jennie getting jealous of Rosé but she need not to get jealous because I'm already hers before she even asked. She was blushing all the way to our room with a small smile on her face. She looks so cute!

It was a mystery to me how she went from sexy to possessive and into this shy Jennie. She really never failed to amaze me with her personality and I was glad that I get to see different sides of her every day. It's a way of getting to know the real her.

When we got to our room, "I'll sit with Rosé," I said, "don't be jealous, okay?" I added and kissed her cheek then went my way toward where Chaeng would sit.

She's yours, Jennie. No need to get jealous. Wait, I am not jealous!

I smirked at her and winked when I heard her thought as she walked in, making her glare at me. My attention was grabbed by the two new arrivals behind her and they were Chaeng and Jisoo. Jisoo saw me on her seat and started protesting, "Hey, that's—" but Jennie quickly grabbed her away from Rosé, "sit with me, unnie," she grumbled as she dragged her toward the last row. "But that's—" She protested midway but she sat her down and walked to her seat beside her.

I was only looking at them confusedly and looked at Rosé who was shaking her head in amusement, sitting beside me. "Your girl is jealous," she chuckled softly, making me join her. "Oh, I told Jisoo about what we're doing. I don't want her to get jealous because of this," she smiled sheepishly, making me snicker.

"You're whipped!" I teased her, making her glare at me, "ya!" I just laughed when she slapped my arm slightly. Our heads turned when the professor walked in.

"Let's have the lesson in the music room later at lunch," she whispered while I nodded, focusing my eyes in front.


We were walking toward the cafeteria. I wanted to accompany Jennie to the cafeteria first before going to the music room and Rosé agreed because she wanted to get something to eat too. When Rosé got her sandwiches, I let Jennie know, "Jen, I'll go out with Rosé for a bit," I whispered to her ear.

"What? Are you not going to eat?" Jennie furrowed her eyebrows in question but her voice was laced with jealously, making me smile widely at her. "No, I'm good. Eat well, okay?" I said and placed a soft kiss on her cheek before walking toward Rosé who was now at the entrance.

She just smiled slightly and didn't look back. I shook my head as I walked toward Rosé. She's really cute when she's jealous though I'm afraid of her piercing gaze. I shivered every time I feel her gaze on me inside the class because I always felt someone was staring at us and I know it was Jennie. She's so whipped for me, hihi.

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