Chapter 56

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Their voices never fail to amaze me! After several performances, their voices never get tired!

And just so you know, I would die to see them wearing hanbok in some awesome historical drama. I swear to god I would scream every time they appear! My four precious princesses~

 I swear to god I would scream every time they appear! My four precious princesses~

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I'm trying to fasten JK's POV's because I want to continue in Jenlisa's POV again. After JK's POV, I'll let VKook rule their relationship, HAHAHA!



I was sat on one of the stools of the bar I was in as I laughed my ass off at what Taehyung was doing. He was dancing like a mad man on the dance floor, oblivious of the weird stares the people around him were throwing at him.

He's like a worm dusted with salt. He was really drunk right now.

I couldn't help but slap the counter continuously as I held onto my aching stomach, laughing. Damn, my abs will definitely show later.

I recorded it on my phone just for fun thinking that it would be good to look at when I feel sad and needed a good laugh. I couldn't deny that he was really having fun tonight. So was I.

His moves became aggressive and didn't notice that he was already hitting some of the people around him. It went downhill when a man with a build bigger than him was hit in the face. The man immediately grabbed his collar and turned him around.

His dancing was stopped and so was my laughter. He looked at the owner of the hand innocently, "what do you need?" I read his lips as he talked and saw the man furrowing his eyebrows in anger.

This is not good.

The man started to clench his hand into fist. Shit! Should I help him?

I really didn't know what got into me as I mindlessly walked toward the scene. The club was still pumping with loud music, not minding the fight that was about to happen on the dance floor. Ignorant people.

I walked briskly toward them when I saw the man's fist making its way to Taehyung's cheek, his eyes tightly closed and expecting the punch. I was quick to catch his fist with my hand. The impact really didn't bother me as the man looked at me with shocked face.

"What's happening here?" I asked in my authoritative voice, trying to intimidate the man.

I felt Taehyung's gaze on me and became uneasy at his amazed expression as he looked at me with his doe eyes.

"H-hyung~!" My heart beat fast on my chest as my eyes widened in shocked at what he called me and also about the beating of my heart. This is probably what Lisa was talking about.

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