Chapter 102

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Chapter 102


I didn't leave. I knew it was rash of me to disappear like that but I couldn't just wait for her to say something. What if she doesn't want me anymore? I shuddered at the thought of her fearing eyes directed at me. It would surely kill me.

What's worst is if she still wanted me despite knowing I'm a vampire, somehow one of the feared creatures of the supernatural. I don't know if I'm ready to have someone so accepting of me only to let them down, worst get endangered because of someone reckless and impulsive like me. I felt the ache in my heart at the thought of endangering her.

You could take away everything from me, just not her. If someone's out there, please, just not her?

I've promised to fight reality if it means being with her and I'm not intending to give up just yet or ever. I tread carefully up the staircase as I know Jennie's brother was still in the house. I left Jennie for a moment. I wanted to let her wrap her mind around it and I would accept whatever her decision was, either to go our separate ways or stay. I hope she'll stay with me.

I held the cold knobs of the double doors and opened it, hearing quiet creaking. My bare feet felt cold against the floor as I walked toward the mysterious door of an unknown spell. The room felt cold on my skin as I stood in front of it and held my left hand up. I sharpened my nail on my right hand's index and cut through its palm. The sting was bearable but when I placed it on the door front and drew a line, an excruciating pain was all I felt. It was as if the energy in my body was getting sucked, leaving me weakened.

My head throbbed as I successfully removed my hand from it. My breathing was getting ragged as if I was a human who ran a marathon several times. I clutched on the knob and twisted it. The black and green embers were slowly deteriorating as I pulled the door open.

Confusion clouded my weakening mind as another room identical to the attic I was in, greeted me. I caught my breath as I stared forward. I flexed my toes, needing a little heat, as I lifted them up to touch the adjacent room's floor–the door automatically closing behind me. The floor was slightly warm and my body, mostly my feet, screamed thankful for the change in temperature.

Question after question flooded my head as I observed the newly discovered room. It was quiet but I would not let my guard down anytime soon. Every shelf and every nook looked exactly the same as the real room outside the door. Light shone from the outside into the room in comparison to the night sky of the real world. Is it morning already? That fast?

I lifted my hand to look at my wristwatch, finding it stuck on 9:58. I furrowed my eyebrows as I tapped on the glass, hoping it would work again but it did nothing. Time seemed irrelevant in here or this place has its own time frame and by the looks of my wounded hand, seems it's also slow. My movements are of the same speed with mine outside and I wonder why?

I walked further until I reached the double doors. I took a deep breath and was on high alert as I held the knobs and twisted. The same staircase, same walls, same doors were what I saw as I walked down the staircase. It seemed like I was in a parallel universe as I tread the hallway toward Jennie's door. I pushed the door lightly and walked in quietly. The sheets were laid out neatly on the bed. Little light from the dark-curtained glass doors shone into the room slightly. Different from the current state outside, this place is neat but with the same features of the outside.

The things in here seemed real, with the softness of the sheets and curtains, the hardness of the bedside table, and the smell of Jennie's books. I was slowly familiarizing myself with the replica of Jennie's house as I walked down the main staircase and into the living room. Neat and untouched couches, pillows, but the television wasn't working. It was eerily quiet and I was slowly thinking that I must have lost my hearing.

I walked outside the front door. The sunlight blinded me as I walked through the gate but I surprisingly bounced back inside the property, slumped on the ground while breathing raggedly. I frowned in wonder as I stared outside the gate. It was just as bright as the inside of the property's front yard. Curious, I laid my hand out to touch the outside of the gate and I felt cold fluid movement to the touch. An illusion.

I couldn't believe it. This place was an illusion but all the things here were real, just like in the outside world. Time seems slow and technology doesn't work because the place was only an extension of the most important thing, the house.

As I walked back inside, I tried arranging my questions and thoughts in my head. First, Jennie and Taehyung didn't know about this place because if they did, they would have known this room exists and that another world exists other than the humans'. Second, I was here when this room was cast with the spell or my blood was used to seal this place. And either I was spelled to forget what happened or my blood was harvested without me knowing. But either way, I am pissed.

On the other hand, who cast the spell? Did my father have something to do with this? How does he know Jennie's family? Is this why Jennie's parents died? Why did they put me in the dark? What is this place for? Have I known Jennie before?

The last question struck me unmoving on my feet in front of the double doors of the attic. It wasn't impossible. If my blood on the door was an indication, I had a huge role in all of this but why did they have to make me forget? Or use me without me knowing? Are we a pawn in this game? I want to know. I need to know.

I twisted the knobs as added questions to this mystery flooded my head. The absence of black and green embers on the door told me that I didn't need to wound my hand again to open it so I just clutched it and pulled it open. My feet touched cold as I weaved through the door and into the real world, the door shutting behind me. Black and green embers protected the door once again as I walked out of the attic.

Nervousness coursed through my veins as I walked down the hallway, aiming for Jennie's room but stopped when I heard voices downstairs. Two voices that I knew too well, Jennie and Jisoo's. I sighed as I proceeded to Jennie's room. The room was slightly messy because of me. My jacket was on her desk chair; my shoes were on the foot of the bed; my phone was on top of the bed. I practically live here and I wish I could stay.

I walked to the balcony, closing the door behind me, and waited for her. I didn't want to intrude with what they're talking about. It would basically revolve around my reckless decision of disappearing on her and Jisoo plotting revenge against me for causing Jennie pain. They've grown closer within a few months and I know Jisoo would also do everything to ensure Jennie's safety and wellbeing even if it means making the day a hell for me.

She just has the tendency to play the mother of the group and Jennie wasn't excluded. Our friends would surely back her up and I wouldn't blame them because I, too, would also do everything just to see Jennie happy.

I hate myself for inflicting problems and pain in her, although they were all unintentional. I couldn't really get rid of the careless in my system, huh? I will try to make it better over and over again. I want her to take me in over and over again. I just wish that she wouldn't get tired of me.

The scrap of feet on the floor alerted me of her presence in the room but I stayed in the balcony. I was still ashamed of what I did and I can't seem to face her. I was mustering up the courage. Her slow breathing caught my attention and regret washed over me. I completely exhausted her out, didn't I? Not only physically but also emotionally.

I teleported inside, careful not to make any sound as I made my way to the bed. I crouched down to her sleeping form, biting my lip as I saw her tear-stained face. She was still beautiful though. Nothing can change that. I put away the soft strands of her hair behind her ear and decided that we should sleep it off. We'll discuss about it tomorrow if there was anything to discuss about it or she'll just throw me out if I made her that mad at me.

But I just wish I could stay.

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