Chapter 95

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How many times have I apologized? I know you're all tired of my apologies but I hope this update will relieve you of my shortcomings to you.

I've got so much to tell you all about my life (if y'all are interested) and just a summation of my life while I was gone: I finally experienced holding her hand and we're going to live under the same roof with our other classmates! oh my gosh, the feels!

About holding her hand, it happened when an earthquake hit the city. I already forgot when it happened but I think it was April 23? I don't know but yeah. She was the first one who felt it. We were at the hallway after our last class, answering the problems we didn't finish. It was funny because she thought that the new set of lockers were wobbling at first because she was leaning on it and told us about it but she thought that it was an earthquake with how the lockers were new and wouldn't wobble like that if it were.

We felt it the second time and the students from the nearby classroom went out with their bags and saying there was an earthquake. They started going down the stairs but we stayed in the hallway because we were still not finished with our activities and they were due in an hour. The moment I finished solving the problems I gave it to one of my groupmates and rested beside her on the lockers.

On the sidelines, one of my friends was already panicking as she watched more students going down the stairs. She kept telling me that we should already go downstairs while pulling my arms. It was an act on impulse with what I did next. I was so embarrassed thinking about it now but I dragged her with me too, hahahahaha *embarrassed*

The three of us had a grip of each other as we went down and do you know what I said first as we reached the first floor? I said, "let's get some hot chocolate after this," now that I'm thinking about it, i wish the floor ate me already. It just didn't end there because as we went outside the building, I noticed that my grasp on her wrist went on her hand. I didn't really know how it happened. I think it lasted about 3-4 mins, holding her hand, as we searched for the panicked girl because she disappeared on us after reaching the first floor. The nerve of that girl.

Well, enough with my life. I have some news for you guys because I think you'll be hearing from THE PROPHET soon. I'm already writing its first chapter so tune into that. I'm thinking about making it a little more serious than this book and I'm already reading some references about interdimensional thingy about how I can make it work.

Also, this book is nearing its first anniversary! I first published its Foreword to Chapter 3 on May 30, 2018! Happy anniversary, my loves! Thank you for the support you've been giving this work of mine. I so love all of you guys and for the 448k reads for this fanfic, thank you so much.

I hope you guys are still patient with me about writing these books and I wish you guys a good Wednesday.



"Here. Let me do that," Jennie said with a soft laugh. She reached for the wet tissue in my hand and wiped the flour and cream on my face.

We just finished the cookie dough and the mint chocolate chip and milk ice cream. The cookies were already inside the oven while the homemade ice creams were in the freezer and we were still here in the kitchen, cleaning the mess we've made.

If someone could see the situation of the kitchen right now, they would say some children made a mess. Us, being the kids they'll be pertaining to.

I reached for another wet tissue from the kitchen counter we're leaning our sides on. I then dabbed it around her face which was also covered with some flour and cream. I smiled as I wiped at the side of her lips with my eyes following every movement of the tissue.

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