Chapter 39

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Guys, guys, guys! Have you seen this ep of Krunk inside yet? Lisa is so cuute! I want to keep her in my pocket and never let her out lmao! I want to watch the radio show but I'm still in the process of learning korean so I still need subtitles which are not yet available, huhu.

Also, bimong posted jenlisa videos yesterday and I was so happy, oh my gosh! And yeah, a fan signing will be done. I'm an international fan so I couldn't relate. Let's petition for an international fan meet! Pleaseee, I'm begging you! I wanna meet my babies!

 Let's petition for an international fan meet! Pleaseee, I'm begging you! I wanna meet my babies!

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Oh, and one more thing. This will also be the only update for today but it was much more longer than the previous chapters. It was like three chapters in one. So, yeah. That's it, bye!

Thank you for the 6k reads, babes! Thank you for the love and support, muaah!


I drove her to her house when I finished explaining about her car. We had a little chat when we arrived and I was feeling a bit giddy on the way home. I'm really glad that I'm starting to get close to her little by little.

I arrived and saw the teasing smiles my idiots for friends are giving me, my cheeks betraying me, making them laugh, "so something really happened, hm?" Junhoe teased, wiggling his eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes, walking toward the kitchen, "nope, nothing happened," I denied as I poured myself a glass of water while they are looking at me expectantly.

"Ya! We helped you! The least you could do is tell us what happened," Jisoo whined.

I shook my head at her, "Okay, but not now. I still have to go back to their house," I said as I sipped while leaning on the counter, looking at them.

A teasing smile formed in their faces, making me shiver at their synchronization. Scary!

"Ya! Don't do that! You're scaring me! You're spending much time with each other. Your synchronization is terrifying!" I reacted and there they were again, wiggling their brows simultaneously.

"Back?! You move so fast! Did you escort her to her house?" Jisoo teased with a smirk.

"Vampires. Tsk!" Hanbin shook his head, disappointingly but with a smirk. Junhoe just laughed at me, high-fiving him.

"I didn't!" It's much more than that. *smirk*

With a smirk, "I—" I was cut off by the sudden dizziness I felt, making the glass in my hand shatter on the ground as my hand went to hold my head quickly, trying to lessen the pain.

"Wh-what's happening?!" Jisoo panicked, making her way to me. I heard their footsteps coming toward me but I was walking away from them.


I need to get to her fast before I go blind. She's all alone, something might happen to her.

With that thought, I channeled all my remaining strength and teleported to her balcony, leaving my friends and Jennie on my mind. I succeeded at getting there before my eyes went blind. I sat and leaned my back on the railing, knees on my chest as I prepared to be succumbed in her dream with my heart racing, afraid that my own past will chase after me like how hers was chasing her. I need to be strong. For the both of us.

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