Chapter 20

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So...because I'll go MIA for two days, I decided to update two days' worth of updates today. Is this okay with you guys? Will this do before I come back? 

Here's the supposed to be tomorrow's first update! Enjoy!


"Now, open the doors!" the man continued in his booming voice.

I heard the sound of the window's lock going up and in a second, we were dragged out of the car but Taehyung and I were pulled in a different direction which my Mom noticed and tried to run to me, hugging me. She was still crying, pain evident in her face and her clothes were stained with her blood. She held both my arms, "we're going to be alright, okay? Don't worry," but I'm not dumb to believe her words.

We are going to die and no one can save us from death. She was pulled away by another man and was dragged toward the black van in front. That was the last thing I saw as a black sack covered my face and I was dragged toward the back.

I was pushed inside a vehicle before it moved. I don't know what happed after that as I blacked out due to exhaustion and shock.


I heard a sound somewhere around the room and heard a familiar groan behind. "Tae...hyung," I tried to say as my mouth was dry and lips, chapped from lack of water.

"Jennie, are you a-alright?" he worriedly whispered in a strained voice. Tears ran down my face, "y-yeah, but Mom and D-dad, w-where are t-they?" I asked in my rasped voice.

As if on cue, a window, I didn't know was there, opened and bright light came in contact with my eyes, blinding me for a second.

"MOM!!" I heard my brother screamed in pain which made me open my eyes to see my Mom covered with blood. Her face was filled with bruises; black surrounded her left eye, her clothes were stained with blood. She was also tied in her sit with her hair all over the place.

I cried harder at her state. "M-mom!" I continued saying, getting louder and louder as I tried loosening the grip of the rope on my hands and feet. I tried moving closer to the window as I heard Taehyung doing the same while screaming with me, "Mom!! Wake up! Wake the fuck up!!" I heard him shout, his cry evident in his shaking voice.

She suddenly moved her head up slightly, finding where our voices came from. "Mom!" We simultaneously said and Mom looked at our direction with furrowed eyebrows.

"Jennie! Tae! Are you there?!" She shouted in her strained voice that made us cry harder, we know that this window was one-way. "Y-yes, Mom!" We said and we saw her smile faintly.

'Mom! Don't smile like that. It kills me!' I thought as I look at her. 'My lovely Mom.'

"I love you, kids," she said as I saw tears ran down her face. "Take care, okay?"

"Mom! No! Don't say that!" Taehyung said from behind me but more closer now.

"But, I have to, sweetie," she said, closing her eyes in pain, her jaw shaking from crying.

"Yes, she has to, kids," a familiar booming voice came from somewhere. It was not the same tender and loving voice we're used to. It was now laced with malice and bad intentions that made my blood boil in hatred and disbelief.

"It's been so long, my dearests," He said as he revealed himself on the other side, wearing an evil smirk.

Uncle Yang....


I woke up shaking from my nightmare as I wiped my wet cheeks. I breathed shakily as I held my chest, hushing my heart's beating.

Fuck. Those nightmare again.

I decided to lean on my headboard as I closed my eyes. These nightmares are coming back once again but I don't know why and what triggered it.

I unconsciously looked at the balcony door which was still covered with the black curtains. I didn't know what I was doing when I did it, "hey, are you still there?" I asked in my soft voice.

I heard a 'thump' on the railing which made me panic, "n-no! D-don't go," I said in the most vulnerable voice I didn't know I could muster.

I sighed, "why am I talking to you? For all I know, you're gone already. Wow. I must be crazy talking to myself," I said as I shook my head but light footsteps were heard from the balcony and for some unknown reason, it didn't make me scared but instead, it made me smile softly, though my heart was still beating fast.

"Are you still there?" I asked softly as I moved slowly to the edge of my bed. I heard two knocks on my balcony door, "Noooo! I am not opening that door! I just want some company but I don't wanna see your face!" I said in panic which received an unexpected reply.


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