Chapter 120

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Hello, everyone! Okay, just some news to tell you.

With the pace we're going now (with all these long ass updates that's squeezing my brain dry), there would be no more than twenty chapters left in this story (yay!) Maybe not even fifteen or ten, I don't know.

So...yeah, just to inform you that we're nearing the end with this and I'm going to jump to The Prophet as soon as possible after this!

Well, enjoy while it lasts muahh!

Chapter 120


A week had passed after our encounter in my room Thursday night. I was mad that she didn't spare me a second for me to see her face again. Although I was mad, the feeling of missing her was so much as I sighed on my ice cream cup.

School had already finished and Chaeyoung invited me to have some ice cream. I looked around at Lisa and I's hangout place as my mind got invaded with Lisa's smiles and laughter as Rosie quietly observed me.

I'm grateful that she didn't stop Lisa in giving me those flowers which filled my room with different kinds of flower scent but none of them resembled the scent I was aching for.

I had gone a week without crying but the temptation was still there. I couldn't stop thinking about Lisa even though I was trying to keep the memories at bay. The ache in my chest was still sitting in its place, taunting me.

She's like a leech clinging to every piece of my sanity and if I release her, I would go insane. I couldn't bring myself to forget her because it would feel like my life force is leaving me. I couldn't help but to grasp at every piece of her that I have with me even though they were just memories.

I was caught off guard when her face started to move toward mine. I couldn't really react as I was frozen in my stand. I couldn't escape from her captivating gaze as it gazed softly at mine. My heart started to beat rapidly at the thought of kissing her.

I finally had the courage to look away but toward her now closer soft pink lips, tempting me to kiss it. I turned up to look at her eyes again, hoping she didn't just see me gazing at her lips just now. My stomach was swarming with nervousness and excitement. I wouldn't even be surprised if she could hear my fast beating heart.

I instinctively closed my eyes as I waited but it didn't come where I wanted it to land. Instead, I felt it on my forehead and the feeling of her lips on my skin was so much more than I anticipated. I felt my heart explode with so much excitement and happiness that let a sigh of contentedness escape from my lips.

I could feel the unknown feelings she was giving me as her lips stayed on my forehead for seconds more but one thing I felt for sure was how she fully respects me and I couldn't fall even harder for her for being this considerate and loving.

I could feel my eyes getting teary under my eyelids from too much feelings but I controlled it. I don't want to ruin this moment for us. I want to have this as one of the happiest moments of my life.

My ice cream was already melted as I played with it silently. This place held so many memories of me and her and I couldn't help the sorrow coursing through my veins as the memories came flooding in.

"You're such a tease, Lisa," Mrs. Lee said in amusement as she gave Lisa's cup to her.

She chuckled and reached out for her cup. "I just love my girlfriend," she looked at me with a teasing smile, an unknown glint in her soft eyes.

My slowly calming heart fastens its pace again, not knowing what to do as I was just frozen on my stand. You're driving me crazy, Lisa! Stop it!

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