Chapter 107

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I'm sorry for all the promises I couldn't keep and I know my reasons could also be seen as excuses. I love you guys, enjoy this for now hihi.



"Hey, love, wake up," I woke up to the sound of Lisa's soft voice as I felt her hand rubbing carefully on my shoulder. I groaned before opening my eyes to see her softly smiling down at me, eliciting a smile of my own. "I didn't know I fell asleep. What time is it?" I asked as I sat up on the bed while rubbing on my eyes.

"It's still 7 in the evening. I brought us some dinner," she said and stood up to get the makeshift table from her desk. She put it in front of me while she sat on the opposite side. We dug into the dinner in silence. As we munched on our food, "how's Kai?" I asked to break the silence and she stopped to look at me. "Well, he's doing fine. My friends are monitoring him in case something bad happens and we also did something to remove suspicions on his whereabouts," I nodded, continuing eating as I heard her stifle a laugh.

I furrowed my eyebrows but I didn't have to ask her what she was laughing at. After she finished with her story, I was laughing so hard. "That was rude of you but it's still funny," I wiped the tears from the corner of my eyes. I had something on my mind when she told me the story and I want to ask her about it. "Why did you have to kill those animals in the first place when you have blood supply here?"

She stopped drinking her orange juice when she heard my question and glanced at me. The atmosphere between us became uncomfortable for her as she brought down her glass. She coughed and sighed. I just waited for her in silence. We're still not used to this new setup. She was new to having me ask her about things regarding her being a vampire and I'm new and curious of things about her life. I pity those animals she just killed a few days ago but people need to do things to survive.

She finally had the courage to look me in the eye yet still sighed, probably dreading this time when she had to tell me things. I know it was hard for her to open up to me about it. I am a human and probably won't understand some things regarding her life but I would do my best to let them sink in. We had a deal of being frank about things especially about asking for space when it gets too much.

She smiled slightly and reached for my hand. "Do you mind not going to school tomorrow?" I smiled widely, "not at all," and she chuckled nervously. I just let her be and continued eating in silence with her. When we finished our meal, she set it aside and looked at me. "Do you want to stay the night? We could do a brief tour around the house if you want?" She asked while smiling slightly. I nodded and reached for my phone on the table, "I'll just inform my brother." She replied with an 'okay' as she stood up and waited for me to do the same.

"Let's tour my room first," I furrowed my eyebrows and she chuckled, "what? Did you think this was it?" She gestured around her room cockily but I just rolled my eyes at her. "You can't afford a big bedroom if you're so disorganized." I said with a smirk and she scoffed, probably surprised at my snarky response. I laughed at her reaction, "but go on, no one's stopping you." She laughed, "ya! You don't have to judge my room. Judge me but don't judge my room," she dramatically replied with a hand on her heart and finishing with a pout while wiping an invisible tear.

I just shook my head and released a chuckle at her antics. Well, I should applaud her taste, seeing the minimalistic approach she applied on her room design. It was a black and white themed bedroom and looked so sophisticated. Her floor was designed with black rectangular tiles and a gray carpet was placed on the foot of her bed. Her bed was black with white mattress, sheets and pillows. Her book shelf, the wall where it was mounted on, the opposite wall and the TV mounted on it were also black. While her desk, swivel chair, couches, the marbled coffee table, the ceiling and the walls adjacent to the bookshelf were white.

"Okay, let's start. So, as I've said, there's more to my room than what you already saw. My family was all about secret doors and passages. They applied it in constructing this mansion a little over a century ago," She said while walking to the empty black wall opposite her bed. She tapped some pattern on the wall that made me look at her weirdly but to my surprise; a double door was opened, revealing an all-white walk-in closet with a big window on the side. "This is connected to my bathroom," she said as she opened a normal door this time, which took us to her bathroom.

I was amazed by the intricacy of her bathroom. It didn't go astray from the black and white theme seeing that two connected walls are designed with black marble while the other two were white marble. The shower was composed of glass walls which are on one of the black marbled walls while the white bathtub that could fit two or more people was on the other. While the white marbled sink was on the opposite of the bathtub. I was getting tired of describing all the details of her bathroom.

"This is my favorite spot," She lay on her bathtub to show it off, "come on," she tapped on the space beside her, urging me but I just sat on the rim, "it's already 8 in the evening and we're still here on your bathroom." I deadpanned while she just chuckled and sat up. "I could just bring us there in a snap," she smirked and I flicked her on her forehead. "You're such a show-off," she scrunched her face while rubbing on the spot.

"You don't have to be sadistic," she mumbled but I still heard it, "what?" I said while raising an eyebrow but she just snickered and in a blink of an eye, she's already standing in front of the door of her bathroom. "C'mon, it's already late. We still have many rooms to check," she said with a smirk but I just rolled my eyes at her childishness.

She opened the door and we emerged from her bathroom toward her room. She didn't stop walking until she was in front of her book shelf. She pulled on a thick book and another passage was opened. "Your family overacted about secret doors," I jokingly commented as we went inside another room. The room was actually an office and maybe Lisa got enough of her black and white theme that she went for a gray-themed office. The book shelf, the marbled table, swivel chair, lamp, couch, and the coffee table were all different shades of gray and their differences gave off different sense of texture.

"You have really outdone yourself, huh?" I said while eyeing all the details of her office. She walked to her big window and opened it for the entry of cool wind, "if you saw my parents' room, you would think otherwise," she smiled as she looked outside. You could barely see what's outside considering that it's already dark out. "What's the office for, anyway?"

She looked at me, "I help my brother with business, sometimes, when he really needed a break from work." I nodded, "You said, this was built a little over a century ago?" She hummed, "Why is it so modernized? Do you renovate this to go with the times?" She shook her head and chuckled. "Vampires are ahead of humans in all aspects. You would be surprised by how modernized we are. You could compare us the legend of Atlantis if you may."

"This mansion is a century old but is the trend of human architecture nowadays. Is your kind also greedy and petty like the people of Atlantis that you didn't share your discoveries to us?" I challenged her with a question but she just laughed and started walking toward the door while I followed. "It isn't about our greed that we didn't share this to you. I mean, there is always greed, immorality and other petty things in every kind but what hindered human society's progress was their stubbornness."

We walked out of her bedroom and into the hallway, "this is the third floor, by the way," my eyebrows shot up at her statement, "there are only three rooms here. All rooms belonged to the reigning Royal family. No one's really allowed here, even the High Court. I can't disclose to you what's inside the other Royal chambers because of my family's strong sense of privacy," I nodded slowly at the new information and tried catching up to her but stopped on my tracks at what she said next. "You're not the first one to set foot here but you're the first one to come out alive."

There was something in her smile when she glanced at me after she said that but what captured my attention were her eyes. The emotions that passed her eyes were unreadable but I could sense the implication that she has already been betrayed a lot of times in her time.

"Trust me," I whispered as I tiptoed to kiss her nose. She smiled and the message is received.

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