Chapter 12

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Hey guys!! I got a cold and my head hurts but nothing can stop my jenlisa heart from breathing and thankfully, I am still two chapters ahead of you, haha XD! I'm really enjoying writing this and thankful for you guys for reading this book of mine. So here ya gooooo. The first update today, *bow* XD! Please excuse my craziness today. It's because of the flu XD


I ended up sleeping in the living room for some reason after the incident. All of the rooms in this house except mine were locked, as in, what the hell?

Unfortunately, I couldn't reach my brother to ask him about that so I decided to just go downstairs to watch some TV shows to drive me to sleep.

I was still caught up by what happened earlier. How could someone climb that high wall so fast? Is he some kind of a superhuman? Unbelievable!

An interesting news caught my attention because, why wouldn't it? It was all over the news in every freaking channel so I just settled with it. It was about some animal killings not far from the road and most importantly, it was not that far from the forbidden land. Maybe, not even far from where my car acted up.

The news said that it was strange that the animals didn't have any gunshots or any wounds or scratches, though they saw a common denominator among the five animals which is the two dots on their necks where blood dried up even though they are found in different places.

"The strangest part was that these dead animals have little to no blood in their bodies when they were found and examined by the forensics and they said that they're dead for a week or more now," the newscaster stated.

A week? It was near our neighborhood. Where was I when that happened?

My eyes bulged out when I realized that it was when my car overheated. I was in between the forbidden land and the crime scene!

'I didn't know I was in the verge of death!' I thought as I hugged myself.

"Is it just a big snake? Or do we have a vampire in our town?" I heard the newscaster jokingly said before I drifted off to sleep.


I was thankful to catch five hours of sleep before getting ready for school. I woke up to the sound of the television and face palmed myself for not switching it off before sleeping.

I just settled for tuna sandwich and coffee and of course, I ate three, haha. I went up to do my morning routine, wearing a black baggy hoodie with sleeves longer than my arms, tucked in front of a black pair of ripped jeans, and a pair of white adidas. I let my hair fall freely and fixed my things into my bag. I looked at my balcony where sun's rays peek and went to it to slide the curtain to block the sun, shivering as I remembered yesterday's happenings.

I went downstairs and out the door, locking it before getting into my car and driving off to school. As I drove, I saw the police sign covering the opening of the crime scene. So it's true?

I had doubts about it because fake news was now circulating everywhere. You couldn't be too sure of anything on the news unless it's ice cream we're talking about.

I arrived at the school parking lot, locking my car after getting my things out. As I walk to the lounge, students were grouped, talking about something. Is there another new student?

"Is it true? There's a vampire here?" A student asked his companion which confused me. What are they talking about?

"Idiot! The reporter's just joking!" I heard a reply.

"But—" My attention got caught by my phone's ringing. Seeing the caller ID, I pressed the green button. "Hey, Rosé," I greeted her as I walked toward our class.

"Do wanna grab some breakfast? My treat," she responded which stopped me in my tracks. 'Fooooddd!' I thought as I happily changed direction.

"Really?! Thank you!" I replied happily.

"You're welcome, unnie! We're already at the cafeteria," she said and I was about to ask who she's with when someone talked on the other line, "Rosé~. Treat me too~ I want chicken~" I heard Jisoo unnie talking in her aegyo voice which made me chuckle.

"Alright. I'll be there. Save me a seat between you and unnie," I replied before ending the call. I said the last statement just in case Lisa's there. I don't wanna be near her ever again.

I arrived at the cafeteria and spotted them immediately as there were a very few people here and yeah, Lisa was there. As I walked toward them, my vision cleared and saw her wearing a pair of denim ripped jeans, a white baggy sweater seeping through her black jacket, and a low-cut converse. She also got her hair dyed brown and she rocked it. I really like her style.

Lisa was the first one to notice my arrival but I ignored her. I noticed that Junhoe was missing and where I was supposed to seat was opposite Lisa.

"Move," I said to Rosé. She faced me, confused, "but I thought—," I cut her off.

"I changed my mind," I responded and sat to her right. I felt someone's gaze on me but I still ignored it.

"Good morning, Jennie!" Jisoo unnie faced me with a smile which I returned with my gummy smile. "Good morning, unnie!" I replied which she responded with a pout, "ya! I said not to call me that! Chichu is fine~" She complained cutely which made me laugh.

I faced Chaeng and hugged her with a pout while she's eating a breadstick.

"I'm tired Chaeng~" I whispered on her shoulder.

"The day hasn't started yet. Why are you tired already?" She faced me with a questioning look.

"I think the sandwiches I ate digested fast," I pouted. She laughed and pushed some tray in front of me, "here," she said.

I looked at the tray and my eyes twinkled with happiness.

"Chaeng, is this what I think it is?!" I asked with excitement as I looked at her which earned a laugh and a shake of head from her.

"Yeah. I just thought you need you weekly dose of milk ice cream," she sweetly smiled at me.

"Thank you~ I love you so much!" I said as I hugged her, making her almost drop her breadstick.

"Ya! Lisa, what are you smiling at?" I heard Jisoo teased Lisa. I looked up from the hug and saw Lisa glaring at Jisoo unnie.

"None of your business," she coldly said.

None of your business, my ass.

I raised an eyebrow when Lisa averted her glaring eyes at me as I heard Hanbin and Jisoo trying not to laugh. Rosé looked at them confusedly but I just shrugged their behavior off. I'd rather put my attention to my milk ice cream.

As I devoured my ice cream and drank some iced tea, conversations took place around the table and Rosé suddenly asked, "is there really a vampire in town?," which made Jisoo to choke on her food, Hanbin on his drinks, and Lisa on air.

Okay...that's really weird.

Rosé didn't know who to attend to first which made me laugh quietly. I looked at Lisa who was still coughing quietly and I can't help but rolled my eyes as I passed her my iced tea which she immediately snatched, drinking the remaining half.

Jisoo and Hanbin finally recovered as Lisa put down the glass, "thanks," she quietly said.

Woah, didn't know she's capable of saying that.

She looked at me with a poker face while I just nodded at her response.

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