Chapter 82

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Hey, guys! Long time, no see, eh? Hehehe. I'm so sorry for being MIA for a month. I just got busy with college and guess what? Tomorrow is the start of our Midterms Exam, yay? Noooo.

But, I'm here to fulfill my duties with this story. I was supposed to update this last Jenlisa day, the anniversary but I forgot my laptop at home and I only got it this weekend because I went home to relax before the exams. Well, here it is.

Just got a question for you guys...I just wanna assess myself and get a piece of advice and learn what I'm going through from you because I don't know what this is....

Have you ever felt like you need permission to touch someone? Not the touch green-minded people think but the touch, like a casual touch to a friend? Like hand-holding or linking of arms? Have you felt the need to ask permission to hold the hand or link your arms with a friend?

That's weird, right? But that's what I'm feeling for the past two months and I don't know why I was acting this way. I mean, I do these things with my other friends too but unlike with her, I don't need permission.

And you know what's even weirder? I get envious of the people around them that could casually do those things with her and I wish I could do it without being awkward, which didn't happen because I wasn't even trying to touch her and when she's sitting next to me, I don't know what to do but when we sometimes touch accidentally, I would feel guilty. Like, what the hell?

Third weird thing, I'm trying to ignore her presence in the room but my eyes would find her like second nature and it's irritating. Fourth, she's the only person in the room that I couldn't start a conversation with. I mean, we talk sometimes too but it's because of a group work or some casual conversations on the way home with our other friends but she's always the first to initiate it(if it's not another friend in the circle) because I'm awkward as heck.

But one thing that I was thankful for is that we're not in the same circle of friends. She's staying near our dorm so we sometimes go home together(with others). I have two circles of friends actually but she's not in any of them, HAHA. I was thankful for that because I could give her the cold shoulder and she won't even realize it. Just imagine my awkwardness if we're in the same circle. I would be doomed!

I actually thought of getting close to her instead of ignoring her, just to relieve me with the awkwardness between us and destroy what's going on.

Okay, that's my rant for the day. Enjoy the update!!


Chapter 82


I was giddily hopping toward the main door with a big smile on my face. I feel like I was drunk in love but I don't really know what being drunk felt like 'cause I'm a vampire. Anyway, you get my point.

My heart was still jumping happily inside me and I was used to it by now. Thanks to my Jennie.

I opened the main door, still reminiscing the beautiful day I had with Jennie, and waltzed in like a ballet dancer. My happy mood was interrupted by a loud shuffling in the living room so I looked at them, racing one another to get to me. I looked at them amusedly but I became bemused with how they threw incoherent questions at me once they reached me.

"What happened?"

"Did it go well?"

"D'you have a picture?"

"What did you two do?"

"Did you two kiss?"

All questions died down with that last question and all eyes were on Bobby, "what? It's normal," he reasoned out and all nodded at him and looked at me expectantly and I was just frozen on my stand, unable to speak.

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