Chapter 36

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I love their SBS Inkigayo performances more than their performances yesterday. I think SBS Inkigayo did more justice to their group's art. I really love it! I also love Forever Young's choreo! I wish they would release its dance practice video too and not only the DDDD's.

Okay, here's the update!


I was so excited to see Jennie at the cafeteria that I forgot that I drank a glassful of blood today. I shouldn't eat human food today. I held both Junhoe and Hanbin's arm and stopped them.

"W-w-wae?" Both of them said in unison as I pulled them.

"I-I couldn't eat human food today," I whispered to them because students were roaming around. They might hear me.

They furrowed their eyebrows, "then puke it later," Junhoe stated as if it was easy. Yuck! I don't like the aftertaste of my vomit!

I gave them a disgusted face and they laughed at my face. "C'mon, you want to talk to Jennie, right?" Junhoe smirked.

I sighed and nodded slowly, "sacrifice for a day then don't drink tomorrow," Hanbin said.

"Okay. Let's go," I said and walked ahead of them.

We walked to the line and thankfully, there were only a few people ahead of us in line. When I was next, my eyes lit up when I saw the dishes. Waaah! This is heaven!

I was about to reach for the plate with a hamburger, spaghetti and chicken on it but my hand was by Hanbin's hand.

"What are you doing?" He asked incredulously while knitting his brows.

"Ahm, picking food?" I asked as if it was obvious.

"NO! You have to eat healthy! She might not like you because of what you eat!" Junhoe cut into our conversation. I could feel the saleslady's glare on us as we bicker in front of her.

"I want to be real to her guys! It's the right thing to do!" I responded.

"What? You're going to show her how you eat like a pig?!" Junhoe said amusedly as I glared at him.

"Okay, you're right but just pick hamburger and fries then put fruit slices on the side for balance," Hanbin suggested that made me look at him with a wide smile.

"You're so smart, Hanbin!" I happily said as I high-fived him, "I know right!"

"Alright, that's enough. The saleslady is already shooting daggers at us," he stopped our conversation, whispering the last part and we nodded.

I smiled apologetically to the saleslady and paid for my food. I turned to the tables to find a beautiful brunette and I immediately did. Her beauty is so eye-catching.

I suddenly felt nervous as I made my way to her table, seeing Jisoo and the girl from earlier with her on the table.

Oh my gosh! I don't know what to do!

I tried stopping myself from walking toward her but it seems like my feet has a mind of its own and I'm panicking inside.

Jump on the right foot slowly.

I remembered what Junhoe said earlier and instantly, I knew what to do. I pulled off my poker face as I walked confidently toward them but inside, I was panicking as my heart was running fast.

When I was nearly there, I heard her ask Jisoo for my name and I think that would be my cue to show my pretty face. God, please, make this work!

"It's Lisa," I said in a cold voice as I walked in front of the table.

I put down my tray with a little bit too much force out of nervousness, scolding myself in my head. "Move," I said in the same tone but all of them were still stunned.

Jennie first recovered while rolling her eyes, scooting to the left. I fought the urge to blush as I sat down beside her and tried to focus on my food instead of her but I couldn't help but blush when I heard her thinking, Lisa, huh? A beautiful name for a beautiful girl.

I knew Jisoo heard it when she started to laugh, earning a glare from me and got more flustered when Jennie saw my blushed cheeks, asking in her head, is that blush on her face?

I heard the unknown girl ask Jisoo about her weird actions and it made Jennie laugh. Aish! Jennie, don't make my heart flutter!

I didn't know my glare was directed on her while I stared at her and got reminded with a question in her head, what's her problem?

I gritted my teeth as I scolded myself in my head, focusing my eyes on my fruit slices. Hanbin and Junhoe arrived and sat in our table, making Jennie scoot closer to me and when she complimented my scent, it made me blush again. I'm dying here!

As we eat, I felt something in my stomach and I know I will have to puke the food out anytime so I quickly went to the restroom, leaving them behind. It was the first time I'm thankful that I'll be puking my heart out. I couldn't stand being near Jennie that long! I will probably jump her if I stayed there longer.

I checked the stalls for students and found none so I took the liberty to pick the second to the last stall to puke. I finished puking and groaned quietly at the aftertaste while wiping my mouth. I went out the stall but got startled when I saw Jennie with her hand hanging, looking at me.

She's somewhat in a vulnerable position that made an evil voice in my head say, you're alone. Her strong scent hit me again so I tried to fight back the urge. I didn't know this would be so hard for me. How can I get close to her if this keeps happening?

"Are you okay?" She asked in concern as I washed my hands and mouth hastily. No, Jennie. I thought helplessly.

"It's none of your business," I unintentionally snapped out of frustration and got embarrassed by my action so I quickly walked out.

Minutes later after I entered the room, Jennie was still outside but when she got inside, I saw her fuming mad, not even caring about the professor in front. Is it because of me? Gosh, she's scary when mad!

As I stared at her, I got startled by her sudden outburst in her head, fuck her, which made me stifle a laugh because of how mad she was while saying it.

I got the attention of the professor but I kindly got out of it. When school ended, I searched for Jennie in the crowd but she's nowhere to be found. Wow. She's like a vampire!

When I reached the parking lot, I saw her getting into her car and reversing it. I stared at her car as it drove away and accidentally made eye contact with her in the rearview mirror.

How can I make you mine, Jennie?

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