Chapter 17

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Can you please make me stop? I've been to YouTube, YG's instagram, and BlackPink's instagram just to play Rosé teaser and I can't seem to stooopp. You know, I think their mini album this year is like Lisa's rap in So Hot, "a little bit of black with a little bit of pink but ain't none little about this" It will be an all new side of them. It's nothing like their previous comeback or debut and I'm really excited to see another side of them but I don't think I'll be prepared of what's to come and I love that about them. They seem to have something more in store that we don't know of. This mysterious side makes them really fascinating in my eyes. I'm so in love with them! Blinks salute! XD. Okay, enough of this outburst. I haven't fully killed the replay button yet so here is the second update. Ignore me.


Her cold hand gripped mine and dragged me toward her ride. "Come on," she said in monotone.

Her hands are really cold.

She immediately unclasped our hands which gave me the chance to escape again. I was just about to do that when I felt a hand around my arm, "not so fast," she turned to me with a smirk.

"Why are you doing this?!" I asked in annoyance.

"Because it's none of my business," she said as if it's obvious.

"You confuse me," I replied with furrowed eyebrows.

"Oh. That's what I do best," she replied in a cocky tone while wiggling her eyebrows, smirking at me.

"Ya! That's not what I meant!" I exclaimed at her in irritation.

"Oh, it's not?" She asked innocently which made me want to smack her head.

"Will you remove your hand on me, please? It kinda irritates me, you know?" I said in irritation.

"Don't worry, we're here. Now, hop on," she said as she gestured on her ducati.

"I am not going to ride that," I said as I point at her ride and turning away.

"Oh, but you have to, sweetie," she said mockingly as she held both my arms and made me face her ride.

"You have no choice," she smirked which made me glare at her.

"I do have a choice. I have my car," I said, trying to walk away.

"No," she said in her intimidating voice, making me stop in my tracks. She grabbed my shopping bags and opened her motorcycle's compartment, placing it there and locking it afterwards.

"Now, hop on," she said, gesturing to her ride with her head, making me roll my eyes. I reached for the helmet she's giving me with a glare.

I tried putting the helmet on but I couldn't! It's so tiny that I can't slide my head in, making me annoyed.

"Aish!" I heard Lisa say, making me look at her. She already had her helmet on. She pulled me to face her, getting the helmet in my hands. She untied something in the helmet, fixing it and walking toward me. He lifted the helmet up and putting the helmet on my head instead. I was surprised by her act as I looked at her while she's fixing my helmet.

"There. You've never encountered something like this before?" She said amusedly after she fixed it, making me glare at her.

"Let's go," she said as she hopped on her ducati. I hopped on behind her, putting my hands on her shoulders.

"Ya! If you don't want to fly from your seat, you better put those hands on my waist," she said in amusement.

"You wish!" I said which made her chuckle, "suit yourself, then," she said and turning her engine on. She drove it fast which made me scream in surprise, making me put my hands on her waist instead.

She laughed as she drove off, making me smack her shoulder in annoyance, "ya! Don't drive too fast!" I shouted as we sped.

"I'm riding this motorcycle for a reason!" She shouted back. She went faster making me grip her waist harder as my head rest on her shoulder.

"Ya! I can't breathe!" She complained with a laugh. "It's what you get for driving so fast!" I shouted at her.

I looked at our surroundings but I can't even tell what is what because of how fast we're going. I get glimpses of trees on my peripheral vision but it was unfamiliar to me.

"Ya! Where are we going?!" I asked her as we rode.

"You'll see!" She replied back in a shout.

"Are you planning to kill me?!" I asked in worry while we're removing our helmet because we stopped in a deserted forest.

"Don't worry. I'll tell you if I want to. That's how honest I am," she replied in her cocky tone which earned her a smack on the head from me.

"Ouch!" She said as she held on the spot where I smacked her. "Serves you right," I said as I got down from the motorcycle.

She got down from her ride and turned the engine off.

"Come on," she said and gestured the way like a gentle woman but I glared at her.

"I am not going anywhere," I crossed my arms in defiance.

"Okay. Say hi to the bear for me then," She said playfully as she walked away.

A bear?!

"Y-ya! Ya! Don't leave me here, you asshole!" I exclaimed as I followed her trail.

We walked silently as we look around us. It's a comfortable silence and it made me relaxed. I have forgotten about what happened earlier even though there's still a slight numbness on where his gripped had been compared to Lisa's hold which was gentle.

I looked at her back while walking. She's walking like a sophisticated young lady even though she's only wearing casual clothes, you could see that she's not an ordinary person. There's more to her than her casual clothes and attitude. It makes her mysterious that makes you want to unveil her because your curiosity couldn't take it.

We made a left and a right and hiking up a little bit, dodging branches in our way. It intrigued me how she knows this place perfectly when she's still new here in our town.

She stopped, making me bump into her back as I was still deep in thought. I took a peek on what's ahead. I stopped in my tracks as I look at it.


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