Chapter 28

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Guys, this is an early update, huhu. I have to pester my mom to let me go to the concert I wanna go to. Guys, please pray for me?

Anyways! Blackpink's teaser for their music video will be out tomorrow! The above photo message was from YG sajangnim. Let's all look forward to it guys!


I was driving recklessly when I saw a beautiful lady in front of her smoking car. She was fanning herself to avoid the smoke and she was looking at me. Oh god, she's so hot!

She was wearing a long-sleeved white button up shirt with stars on it tucked in a black high-waisted mini skirt with a pair of white sandals matching her outfit.

Maybe he was chased by the people guarding that area.

I heard her thought and gosh! Her voice was the sexiest I've ever heard in my entire life and mind you, it was really long! I've been alive for 215 years now. I'm so old!

I contemplated if I should help her or not and I chose to help her. I'm kind that way!

I parked behind her car and removed my helmet, shaking my head to let my blonde hair fall freely. I combed it to make it look tamer and flipped it. I put down my helmet and got off the motorcycle. I could feel her gaze at me and it made me smirk mentally. Am I that hot?

I walked toward her when I heard her thought; Omo! Here comes the slow motion again! What's happening to me?!

Ahh. That sexy voice again.

And wait, what? Slow motion? Gosh, you don't even know how fast I am.

"Hey, you need help, miss?" I asked when I reached her and I saw how mesmerized she is with my presence. *flips hair*

"I—uhm...ahhh...." She stuttered. She's cute!

I chuckled at her reaction, "Hey, miss?" I asked while waving my hand in front of her face.

Thankfully, she woke up, "I—uhmm. Sorry," she sheepishly said while scratched her nape.

"Yes, I think my car just overheated," she added while she showed her engine with her hand. It was still giving off smoke.

"Oh, I see. It's easy. Don't worry," I said and smiled at her as I examined her car's engine.

"Gotcha!" I happily said and walked toward her, asking, "Do you happen to have water with you?"

"Oh, yes," she answered and went toward her car to get something and showed a water bottle, "Is this enough?" she asked.

"I hope," I answered and was about reach for it when a strong wind hit us but what hit me the most was the intoxicatingly sweet scent of her blood and it was the most intoxicating blood I've ever smelt.

I felt my eyes darken and my two sharp teeth were trying to come out. I was breathing hard, trying to suppress the thirst I was feeling right now and thankfully the wind has stopped but the scent of her blood still lingered in my nostrils. I have to get out of here, NOW.

I went to my Ducati using my vampire speed and with shaking hands; I tried to put my helmet on. I can feel her confused gaze at me and I thought about her thought earlier.

"I'm s-sorry. I-I forgot s-someone was c-chasing me earlier," I said in my strained voice, fighting the urge to suck her blood to her death with my sharp teeth.

I started the engine quickly and drove faster than ever. When I thought that I was away from her, I stopped by the opening of a forest and removed my helmet hastily. I need to quench this thirst or I might go crazy.

With that thought, I ran in my normal vampire speed, looking for vulnerable animals that were ready to feed a monster like me. I'm sorry, guys. I love you but I have to.

Then, I spotted two deer and waited to attack at a perfect time. When I knew it was the right time, I pounced on them, aiming at their necks. When they didn't move, that was when I bit and sucked their blood out.

When I was done, I put them aside and slumped on the ground, feeling restless. I wiped my mouth and sighed as I closed my eyes.

How can a human blood be that intoxicatingly sweet? I have never encountered anything like that before.

I thought about her. She's really beautiful, her beauty is really pure. Her cat-like eyes were very captivating and could hold your attention for a long time, you wouldn't even want to let go even if you needed to. It also held a lot of mystery and a hint of coldness in her brown orbs and it adds to its beauty.

Plus, her red plump lips that adds to her sexiness when she smiled though there's still an adorable side with her sexiness.

She's really captivating and her sex appeal, wow. It's a bomb that was continuously exploding. I'm not kidding! She would turn every straight girl, gay, and I'm always gay but she bent me more and I feel like I'm now on the floor begging for her to take me. Hey! Stop it Lisa! You perverted little vampire!

My thoughts went to her neck, the memory of her intoxicating smell in my nostrils made my eyes darken again as my sharp teeth began to emerge from its hiding place.

I opened my eyes.

Fuck. I need more.

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