Chapter 105

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Hey, guys! It's Jenlisa Day tomorrow! Sadly, there's no content from our ship nowadays and a year has passed without a VLive from them huhu. But! Christmas is coming so let's just wish for it to happen before this year end XDDDD! Enjoy guys and I'm sorry that it's just a short update.



"Hey, I want you to come with me," Lisa said just after the bell rang as a sign of dismissal. It was Monday and Lisa promised to tell me some things one at a time as a caution. She helped me fix my things before we decided to head out. "Where are we going?" I asked as she held my hand and led the way out. I thought we would proceed to the parking lot but she had other plans.

Hanbin and Junehoe were trailing behind us as we walked toward the forest behind our school. Jisoo and Rosé weren't here and speaking of, "does Chaeyoung know?" I directed the question at Lisa who was quietly walking beside me. She was being quiet the whole day and seemed uneasy but now that we're walking toward the forest, she seemed relaxed and laidback. "No, she still doesn't know. It's up to Jisoo when and how she'll going to let her know about us."

The back of the school was a courtyard where students rest during the day but now, only a few remained since school already finished. The forest was accessible for only at a certain distance and the restricted part was known by a fence guarding it. These people with me didn't seem to know it as they opened a passage into the other side of the fence. "Uhm, it's fenced for a reason?" I asked in confusion as they went through the passage before me.

Lisa laughed softly and went toward me, "come on, I told him to meet me here. We'll be safe, I promise," she said and kissed my temple before guiding into the passage. Hanbin and Junehoe smiled softly at me as encouragement and I returned it as an appreciation. When I saw them all at the beginning of the day, I couldn't help myself but to see them in another light. I mean, vampires in general, I didn't know they could be as human as they could get. They're far from what the fiction world pictured them to be and if they're playful when I first met them, they're even more so now that they could be free around me.

"He's here," Lisa said in the middle of walking and we estopped as she looked around. At the corner of my eye, I caught something go down from a branch of a tree. I looked in its direction and someone of a familiar physique was walking toward us. He was wearing a black hoodie and pants. You can see from his stride that he's weak. He looked up so suddenly and I caught a glimpse his red eyes. My heart was pounding in my chest when he tried to run toward where I was so fast that he was face to face with me now but an arm on his neck saved me.

A hungry growl left his mouth and I had to hide behind Lisa as my hands shook from the attack. "Kai," a voice so dark sent chills down my spine and he stopped from struggling in Lisa's hands. Hanbin and Junehoe helped Lisa put him at a distance as Lisa removed his hood. My shaking hands went on my mouth as his face registered in my mind.

His face was pale and the dark lines under his eyes were prominent. He's thinner now than when I last saw him. "What happened?" Lisa's voice was deep as she assessed his face and neck. He coughed a little before answering, "I haven't had my supply of blood for two days now. I'm sorry, Jennie. I didn't mean to attack you, it's just—" His eyes were starting to water as he looked at me pleading. Lisa didn't let him finish what he was saying, "why?" she asked and directed his face on her.

I slowly walked beside Lisa and see them more clearly, "they said that what I've said was useless information so they gave me this punishment," I can tell that his throat was dry only from his voice. "Do you know that they're feeding you human blood?" Lisa's hand was gentle on him but her voice was steel as she said those words.

"N-no. W-we just receive them in a b-bottle and no more questions asked as we fed," Kai looked down ashamed as the two held him still. "Lisa, what's the difference between animal and human blood?" I asked in curiosity as silence fell among them. "When vampires drink human blood, they'll become more powerful and agile but they need to maintain that diet in order to retain that strength and more but the consequence is like a 'one step forward, two steps backward' kind of thing. When they drink animal blood, their strength will be the same but if they retain that diet, not drinking for some time doesn't have that much of an effect."

"Lisa, he's slowly losing consciousness. We need to feed him," Junehoe carefully put Kai's arm around his shoulder to support his weight and Hanbin did the same. Lisa sighed and nodded, "I'll survey the area. Wait here for a second," she said then she was gone. We proceeded to the passage and waited for her. She resurfaced again in front of us that made me reach for my heart. I'm never getting used to this.

She looked at me with a smile of amusement but I just rolled my eyes at her. "The coast is clear. We need to do this quick alright?" They all nodded but I didn't understand a thing. "W-what—" It was in a snap that we arrived at the parking lot and inside my car. The car beside us revved to life. It was Hanbin's car but June was in the driver's side while Hanbin was with Kai in the backseat.

"Put on your seatbelt," my attention was diverted toward Lisa who was in the driver's seat of my car. My mind was still unfocused as I watch her put on her own seatbelt. "Huh?" I asked in confusion and she looked at me with a raised eyebrow. She shook her head in amusement and went closer to me, "I said, put on your seatbelt," she said as she fastened my seatbelt herself. She had that goofy smile as she did so and stole a kiss from me. Sneaky little bitch, and Lisa laughed.

Hanbin's car went out of the parking lot first before Lisa started the engine. She looked at me before reversing the car while sporting that smirk she always had when she's planning something.

"I guess it's time for you to meet my house," she goofily said.

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