Chapter 98

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That's not Nala, I know haha. A good Saturday to you all! I thought it was Friday HAHAHA.



"What's this called again?" I asked with my mouth full of the delicious foods she prepared for us. I mean, it was a good thing she didn't let me come in the way of preparing these delish goods. I might probably ruin this for her.

"The chicken lettuce wrap?" She answered amusedly as she pointed at the plate. I nodded enthusiastically which she laughed at, "you look like a kid," she said as she wiped the corner of my lip. "Why are you so happy?" She shook her head at me as I swallowed what's in my mouth.

I propped my elbow on the table with my head resting on my hand as I watched her eat, "because you love me," I answered seriously which surprised her, causing her to choke on her food. "Oh, shoot," I reacted as I grabbed the glass of water and guided her into drinking while rubbing her back. "Are you okay?" I asked with concern but I was slapped on my shoulders repeatedly. "O-ouch! What did I do?" I massaged the assaulted part when I successfully got away from her.

She glared at me, "you keep surprising me with your answers. I wasn't prepared," I giggled, "you should've been prepared. I was just answering your question," I amusedly responded as I sat back down in front of her. She rolled her eyes then went back into eating her lunch.


It was 12.30 PM when Jennie dragged me down the basement. She seemed excited about it and her excitement seemed to transfer to me when she said something about a game room. There was something about the sounds of our bare feet on the carpeted floor that made me giddy. It was as if we were two little children left on their own, which gave them a sense of freedom to break all the rules and keep quiet about them all.

When we arrived at the basement, there were two doors in front of us. I was jumping slightly on my toes when I noticed the pinkish glow under one of the doors. I think it was their game room! I really look forward to the games.

When she opened the door, the ambience struck me in surprise. It wasn't like the atmosphere in today's arcade places. I mean, it wasn't like this room was filled with people too but arcades today has that modern feel in them. This room feels otherwise. It has a pink glow which complements the brick walls which added to its vintage feel.

There were also machines which could be associated with the word classic like the jukebox which stood magnificently at the corner. The place where it stood gave it a feel like it was watching the whole room, like it was facing all directions. Another one was the two Pinball machines on each side of the jukebox. I'm actually not good at that so I'll most probably skip playing that.

There was also a Mario Kart, Pac-Man and a racing game on my right side while a PlayStation set was situated in the middle of my left side and the oh so magnificent claw machine with very little cute prizes inside stood on the right of it.

I heard giggles from my side which brought me back. I smiled softly at her, "this place is heaven," I stated then walked toward the claw machine, trying out the controller. "You wanna play?" I looked at her incredulously, "I mean, didn't you bring me here to play?" I looked at her in amusement, begging with my eyes as I waited for her answer. Oh, please tell me we'll play.

She rolled her eyes with a chuckle, "go help yourself." I jumped at her approval as I reached inside my pocket for coins while she pulled a chair beside the machine. When I couldn't find a single penny, I looked at her with pleading eyes. Letting out a huff, she stood up again and reached for some in her pocket.

I couldn't keep my excitement as I kissed her cheek, "thanks, love," I smirked. I didn't have to look at her to know she's blushing. I focused my attention on the machine, my favorite nemesis. "Which one do you want me to get?" I raised an eyebrow at her. Her eyes widen in delight and pointed at the medium-sized Nala. "Good choice," I nodded then turned back toward the machine.

I pushed in the coin and carefully maneuvered the controller toward the prize. Once I got the claw locked on the stuffed animal, I pushed the button and bit my lip as I watched the claw go near it. My heart was picking up the pace in nervousness. C'mon, make me look good.

I was slowly letting my smile show as the prize come nearer but the claw just dropped it then went back on my side. I gasped, horrified, "d-did you see that?!" I looked at Jennie as I pointed at the machine accusingly. She was fighting off the laugh that was threatening to come out at my horrified state.

I glared at her then at the machine, "let's try again. I promise you, I will get that thing for you," I said with my chest out proudly. I pushed in the coin, situated the claw on top of the lioness and pressed the button. My fingers were drumming on the pad as the claw went near it, moving it a little closer toward the dropping area but surely, it didn't come out again.

I stomped my feet like a kid then looked at my girl who let out a few laughs. I glared at her, "this machine is broke!" I ranted, "you should get it fixed but I never put down a fight. I will surely get that lion," I stretched a little as I get ready while Jennie bit her lip to suppress the remaining laughs.

"Okay," I focused on the machine once more, glaring at the claw, "you better get this right or I'll rip you out from this box." I did the ritual, then pushed the button when I knew it was locked. Cold sweat was forming on my forehead as I watch the claw machine move toward the dropping area. Don't drop it, don't drop it!

I rejoiced with my hands in the air like a macho man and pumped in the air. Jennie squealed and jumped on her toes in happiness as she hugged her Nala stuffed toy. The two trials probably helped me because the toy got near to the dropping area.

"What do they say? Third time's the charm," I smirked which made Jennie laugh, "I thought you were never gonna get this."

"Oh, you thought!" I hugged her, Nala in between us, and pressed my forehead on hers. "I never back down without a fight, love," I said before placing a peck on her lips, "and, you put up a good fight. A funny one at that," she giggled and looked at Nala.

"We have our first child now, love,"  and she laughed.

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