Chapter 119

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Ey, guys! Can you believe we've already won 9 wins! Hihi.

I really love watching their encore because of their interactions haha. I spy with my little eye moments of chaennie, chaelisa, chaesoo, jenlisa, lisoo, and jensoo hihi.

Anyway, I'm sorry for only updating now. We had no internet for the last few days. My brother said it would only come in the morning but I don't wake up until 1PM so...yeah, I'm sorry hehe.

Enjoy, tho, love you guys!

Chapter 119


I smiled politely to the middle-aged florist as I received the custom-made bouquet of asters and daisies. I did some research before going here. I wanted to give her a bouquet which held meaning for the both of us so I read through the meaning of these flowers.

It just so happened that her favorite flower, the daisies, held a meaning that would be best for the first bouquet. I smiled, getting a whiff of the flowers as I went toward Jisoo who was waiting by the car. She was also going to Jennie's house to fetch Rosie.

Unfortunately, I couldn't let her see me today so I just planned on leaving this on her bed with a little note I scribbled on the way there. I reminded her of my promise last Friday so she wouldn't feel alone.

"Do you really think this is a good idea?" Jisoo voiced out her concern as I tucked the bouquet on my lap after I finished writing.

"No. I only know that Jennie is feeling alone right now and I want to ease her mind. I wouldn't be able to relax my mind knowing that's what she feels," I replied and looked outside the window as we passed trees.

"Well, you should probably get to it," she said as we arrived in the quiet neighborhood. I unclasped the seatbelt and unlocked the door, holding the bouquet and the note.

I went out before she honked to get the girls' attention. I closed the door and immediately ran toward the adjacent wall toward Jennie's room. I jumped on the high wall behind the oak tree, observing any movement in the room.

When I found none, I walked through the branches I already know by heart and jumped silently on Jennie's balcony. I looked around her room, taking note of the unmade bed and sighed. She usually tidied her bed before going to school.

I moved fast and organized her bed, gently putting the bouquet down with the note. When I heard the car rev to life, I quickly went back to the oak tree, hiding behind the thick branches while waiting for her. I wanted to see her so badly.

A minute passed and she was already in her room, noticing the bouquet on her bed. I quickly hid myself more when she wandered her eyes around. I ached to be near her again as she smelled the flowers. I watch her tighten her grip around the bouquet as she read through the note.

I could feel her sadness through our link and it was tearing me apart but this time apart is necessary. I admit that I was afraid of her answer and dreading of that time in the future but I wanted to be mature for once.

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