Chapter 27

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Here's the first chapter in Lisa's POV. Your questions might be answered in the following chapters in Lisa's POV. Here it is! Enjoy guys!



I was following the truck where all our things were in, my friends trailing behind me in their cars. We were headed to the mansion my family owned here in Seoul. It was situated in a five-hectare land near the outskirt of town but not too far from the city. It was kept hidden from the people here and no one gets in that easily nor get out that fast. These human workers with us signed a NDA so no one could speak about it.

I was getting tired of following this slow truck so I decided to overtake it and drove my Ducati faster. I reached the mansion before any of them and decided to park. I removed my helmet and got off my ride.

This place was heavily guarded and vampires roam around to maintain the security. I looked at the mansion in front of me. It was situated in the middle of the land. It was really big and it has this elegance feel from it because of its modern exterior which is composed of black paint on some parts and glass walls on some parts.

It really fits me. Thanks Dad! I smiled at my thought.

A huge fountain was situated in front of the mansion and it was surrounded by plants which added to the beautiful landscape. A brick floor surrounded it circularly also. It was the way to the mansion by feet but you can drive your vehicle to the front double doors. The parking lot was in front of the fountain and it was connected to the road going to and away from the front of the mansion. Please bear with me. I suck at describing things.

I didn't notice the first truck that got here with some furniture and the workers who were putting them down and moving it inside the mansion.

I heard the engine of the truck that I overtook from behind me so I looked at it. I also saw my friends' cars following it and the glare Jisoo was throwing at me but I just looked at her innocently.

They parked and the driver and his companions got off to start loading our stuff off their vehicle. My friends also went out of their vehicles and stretched because of the long ride we took.

"Yaaaaah!!" Jisoo reacted as he stretched.

"Woooo! Fresh air! Haaa~" Junhoe said as he moved his hands so that air will go toward him while Hanbin was just yawning as he stretched.

"Come on. Let's go!" I said to them and proceeded to the mansion.

When I saw the interior, I got amazed because it was really my taste. Though the exterior was modern, the inside feel was like vintage with the brick walls and specially the sofa, the big sofa.

"A sofa!" I said dreamily and went to jump on it, I sighed dreamily while rubbing my cheeks on its surface. I wanna sleep!

I closed my eyes and went to get a comfortable position but when I found it, I felt a smack on the head. It was none other than Jisoo as she glared at me.

"Ouch!" I reacted, rubbing the spot she hit.

"We still have work to do, you lazy ass!" She scolded as she pointed at me.

"But I'm tired~!" I pouted and used my aegyo voice.

"Vampires don't get tired! Especially you!" She retorted.

I pouted at what she said, "Well, I feel tired. There's a difference," I sassed with a smirk.

"Don't sass me or I'll smack you again!" She readied her hand, scrunching her face in warning, "now work!" she added.

"But I don't want to~~" I said in my aegyo voice as I kicked on the sofa like a kid.

"Don't use your aegyo at me! Yuck! You're not even cute!" She said while looking at me in disgust.

"Unnie~" I pouted at her.

"Now, let's go. We need to hurry!" She said as she walked away.

"Someday I'll find someone who will find my aegyo cute!!" I shouted at her back.

"Well, talk to my hand while you're at it!" She said as she showed her hand at me.

I decided to stroll around town because I was still new here and I don't want to get lost. I tried to sneak out but Hanbin saw me as he was walking with a box in his arms.

"JISOO!" He shouted, catching her attention and saw me.

"Ya! Lalisa!!" She said as she tried to run to stop me and I also ran. We couldn't use our vampire speed here coz there were still humans here and Jisoo was so slow in human speed, ahahaha! So I was winning. I am not long legs Lisa for nothing!

I reached my motorcycle and quickly put my helmet and revved it to life, driving away from Jisoo.

"LALISA!!" I heard her shout while I was laughing my heart out.

I'll worry about her later.

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