Chapter 44

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Okay. Early update because I might get zapped by lightning any moment now that I'm using a laptop and oldies said that it might explode in my face. Gotta protect this precious face, lmao.

I haven't seen any BlackPink posts yet so I'm getting furious because of this thunderstorm and the sermon from my grandma that might come in the near future, like tonight, if she sees me sneaking my laptop open like this, hahaha! So yeah, update's up, my people. Oh, and thank you so much for the 10k reads and 500 votes! I'm really thankful guys, this is like the biggest number I've ever seen in my story so...I love you all, muahh!

This chapter is boring, by the way, but it's still important, minus the flirting jenlisa did in this chapter. It's not important in the story but it's important in my life. Don't argue. It's my life. Just like Lisa is Jennie's life, okay? Good.



Lisa was there. I was there.

I was her.

I came to an abrupt halt at the end of the stairs when I heard her voice in my head. A sudden fear made its way to my heart as I contemplated on what she meant. My hands shook at the fear that she will find out about my past without me telling her myself.

But why didn't I see her dream? Was it because I was asleep or...was it because I was with her?

I really need to find things out as soon as possible. I don't want to drag time anymore. I needed to know everything so I could think of a solution fast. I want to be with her without any fucking hindrances.

Well, first, I need to win her heart as Junhoe said so that she won't leave me that easily once I told her the truth, if I ever be first to tell her, that is. There was still a fifty percent chance that she would leave me if she learned about it but I'll bet on the positive side.

I shook my thoughts away when I heard her footsteps and made my way to the kitchen. That's when I saw the scrambled eggs and sandwiches on top of the breakfast counter. Oh, yum!

I sat down on a stool, waiting for her. How will I make her fall in love with me?

I was drowned in my thoughts so I nearly jumped up from my seat when I felt her hand on my right shoulder.

"Ya! You scared me!!" I exclaimed in a high-pitched tone.

She cringed, rubbing on her ears. "Your voice is irritating! Ouch!"

I pouted, "it's your fault!"

She just ignored me and sat next to me, "what are you thinking about, anyway? You seemed preoccupied earlier," she asked as she put down her bag and the folder on top of the counter.

"Nothing," I lied, earning a confused face from her but she just shrugged it off.

I smiled to relieve the sudden awkwardness, "let's eat!" I said which made her smile and nod.

When we finished eating, we went out to her garage. My eyes almost popped out when I remembered that I didn't bring my Ducati yesterday. "AISH!!" I pulled on my hair out of frustration, "those fucking idiots!!" I said, making Jennie panic behind me, "What, what? What happened?" She asked and looked ahead of me.

"I forgot that we only used Jisoo's car yesterday," I groaned which made her click her tongue, shaking her head at me.

"You're such an idiot. Why are we friends again?" She rolled her eyes at me, walking ahead toward her car.

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