Chapter 128

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I know you've been waiting for this update so I won't rant about how perfect our four goddesses are and how I'm dying every second and being brought back to life the next because they're just so heavenly that I melt every time their sexy glares were on me every time there was a close up. The hip moves, the head bangs, the purr, 'sitting-down' (iykwim), and the smirks, are...damn. okay, I'll stop now hihi.

Did you notice the jenlisa stare at the pretty savage perf before Jennie unnie purred? Or how Lisa smirks when Jennie unnie sung the 'a prince not even on my list'? And we all saw Jennie unnie's hands gliding up Lisa unnie's torso, too right? Hihihihi

Chapter 128


They pushed us inside what looked like a conference room complete with a long wooden table and chairs occupied by Seung Hyun and Jimin and others I didn't know the names of who were seated on either side of them.

We were pushed on the seats in front of them with Seung Hyun smiling fondly at us that it almost made me gag in disgust at his pretentious display of kindness. I returned it half-heartedly as I fixed myself in a comfortable position even though this situation is anything but.

He leaned on the table with his hands clasped on the surface. "We called you here to extend some good news!" He told us in something I could almost say as ecstatic as he extended his hand toward Jimin. Jimin, in turn, placed a small golden envelope on his palm and Seung Hyun showed it to us.

My eyebrows were furrowed as I looked at the wax seal stamp on its mouth, looking like an insignia that was somehow familiar to me. A memory of a circular pin attached to the left of Lisa's jacket while I was tidying her room flashed in my mind.

It held that same emblem and my heart pounded in my chest at the possibility of it being from her. Please let it be from her.

"It's from my little brother and possibly from your lovers," Jimin's father smirked teasingly at us with a raised eyebrow as if we had time for that or they had the right to. I just looked at them in curiosity, masking any irritation that had rose from this situation, and waited for them to talk again.

"We haven't opened it yet. We wanted you to be here for...transparency," Jimin said with an annoying smile and reached behind his back, placing a thin blade, and giving it to his Dad. He reached for something in his pocket again, a lighter, and heated the blade, "thanks, son."

My fingertips tingled in anticipation as it popped open and Seung Hyun reached for the piece of paper inside. He read it silently, his lips turning up on its corners as he did so. "Welp, I'll give this to them for thinking about their subjects."

He placed the paper inside it again and my eyes followed it like a woman stranded in a desert watching someone drink the remaining water from their container. I took a deep breath to contain myself from snatching from his hand.

"If you should know, they're asking us to have a 'peaceful' war," he air-quoted the word while shaking his head, "oh, the irony," he said with a smile. "It will happen in a week, so we need to be prepared. What's your answer?" He asked as he looked at all three of us, the letter forgotten on the table.

No one answered for a few seconds as I closed my eyes tightly. I know this is an impulsive decision but I need to do this, "we'll join you," I was surprised that my voice didn't waver as I said those words and I kept my eyes on him as I did.

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