Chapter 85

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Hello, guys! I know you are already getting tired of my apologies. It's just that, I've been very tired these past few days because I'm processing some things with my scholarship and I was always out of the house to do them so I really didn't have much time to update.

I know I said I would update almost every day and I'm sorry if I'm not keeping my side of the deal. I promise, after I finish my things, I'll update multiple times in a day. I hope I could keep that promise.

I love you guys and thank you. Just tune in 'cause there's a lot more in this story than I've already showed you. It is just getting started because I'm building their relationship before all hell break lose so yeah, just wait *wink* *wink* lmao.



The final bell rang, signaling the end of another school day. I fixed my things into my bag and waited for Lisa to finish hers. She let me walk ahead and followed me down toward the door of the classroom.

I felt her hand on the small of my back as we walked toward the lobby while our friends are leading the way.

"Do you wanna grab some ice cream?" She excitedly asked me as we swiped our IDs on the machine and walked our way to the parking lot.

I smiled and nodded rapidly, "okay!"

"Guys! We're going first!" Lisa informed our friends as she guided me toward her motorcycle.

Our friends turned toward us and whined, mostly the boys.

"Aww, I thought we're gonna hang out?!" Hanbin complained like a kid with a disgusting pout.

"Ew, Hanbin. Stop that!" Jisoo unnie scrunched her face in disgust as she slapped Hanbin's shoulder, making us laugh.

"Maybe tomorrow," I offered with a smile and they all agreed.

We said our goodbyes and proceeded to our ride.

"I'm really craving ice cream," Lisa said cutely, making me chuckle at her eagerness.

She did her usual routine of putting my helmet on my head and I was back at staring at her beautiful face again.

Stop staring Jennie. You're making me blush.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "D-Did you say something?" I asked and watched as she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion while looking at me.

"What?" She asked as I tilted my head to look around if anyone was close to us though I'm sure it was Lisa's voice that I heard.

I looked back at Lisa with my knotted eyebrows just to see her confused as well. "Did you say something?" I asked again and though I'm sure it was Lisa's voice, I didn't see her lips move.

A smirk played on her lips, "No, you've been staring at me. You should've known, right?" She asked teasingly causing a rush of heat to cross my cheeks.

"Y-Ya!" I reacted causing her to laugh and finish what she was doing. "Now, come on. Our ice creams are waiting," she invited me to her bike after she wore her helmet.

I smiled and hopped on behind her. After a few minutes, we arrived at the ice cream parlor. We removed our helmets and fixed our hair. I felt her grab my hand and I smiled at her as we walked inside.

The bell chimed as we entered, "Hey, Mrs. Lee!" We greeted the old lady behind the counter. "Hey, girls! How's my favorite couple?" She teased, making our cheeks go red.

"Ey, better than ever Mrs. Lee," Lisa replied as she pulled me closer. I walked ahead, hiding my blushing cheeks from her.

"I'll have the usual Mrs. Lee!" I said cheerfully at the sight of my favorite dessert. "I'll have mint chocolate chip ice cream, please," Lisa spoke excitedly as she looked at the selections.

"It's your favorite?" I asked. I didn't know her favorite ice cream even though we have been here for several times already.

"Yeah!" She replied as we sat on a table.

"Oh!" I perked up at the thought that flashed through my mind.

"What is it?" She asked in curiosity. I smiled secretively, "nothing," I said. It's my time to be the secretive one!

She laughed, "what are you thinking about? It seemed like a plan is brewing inside your head," she said in amusement.

"I said it's nothing," I huffed. I don't wanna be caught.

Her hands attacked my cheeks, pinching, "aigoo~ this cute little thing," she cooed but I swatted her hands away from my abused cheeks.

"Stop it. It hurts," I complained playfully, puffing my cheeks while she just smiled goofily at me.

"Is it about our date, you're thinking?" She asked interestedly, raising an eyebrow.

I stuck my tongue out at her and looked away for effect. "I'm not telling you," I smirked at her, seeing her pout.

"It's my time now. You won't know anything about it. That's my revenge," I smirked at her. She laughed while scooping some ice cream and putting it inside her mouth.

"Okay, if you say so. I'm sure it'll be fun," she replied with that cute smile of hers which I dearly love.

Everything is fun with you.

I looked up from my cup toward her but I just saw her putting ice cream in her mouth. I definitely heard her voice saying those words but there's something about the sound of it.

It was like it was spoken in a hollow place, something like inside of my head, resonating just like my other thoughts but that thought isn't mine, just like the one I heard from the parking lot and even the one when we were in the cafeteria. Another thing is, it sounded like Lisa.

Lisa noticed me staring confusedly at her, "what?" She asked. Definitely hers.

What is happening?

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