Chapter 121

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Hello, guys! I'm sorry this took so long but this was really a long ass update. This currently holds the record for the longest chapter I ever wrote with 8k+ words. I'm sorry for the typos if there was ever one here because I'm so lazy to proofread this, considering that it was 17 pages (yikes).

I also wanted to thank you for the 800k reads and the 598 followers! Like, oh my god! I remember having ten views for the first chapters like it was yesterday and now, wow, I mean, I'm so thankful that you guys are still with me through this story.

I know you could get tired of waiting for the updates thinking that this had been running for two years already and had so many chapters and long ass author's notes. I'm thankful that you always took the time to read my rants here and joined me in my hardest times.

You don't know how much you all mean to me. Having a lot of people around the world to share my struggles with is overwhelming in a good way.

So, if you guys ever need someone to talk to, I'm always here for all of you even though sometimes, I would read it a little late, I would give you my time of day just like how you've taken your time to read through this story of mine. My private message is open for all your rants, I mean it. I want to be friends with all of you.

I love you, guys, seriously, from the bottom of my heart.

Chapter 121


It was Friday. We were spending our time mastering the infiltration that we were going to do tomorrow with the strategic team guiding us what to do. We'd already discussed any contingency in the plan and we were just reviewing our movements through the siege tomorrow.

I watched as Seulgi train Jongin in the middle of the training ground. He still had some things to polish with his stance and the predictability of his movements. He would take part in the mission, a few hours until the attack and we needed him to be capable of protecting himself when he's alone in there.

We'd already gathered enough information about the nature of the rebels but we still didn't know about this 'His Highness' that was the mastermind of this all. Thinking about the capability of a Royal, this rebellion in Seoul was just a miniscule part of what they were planning.

A thump was heard and I saw Jongin on his back on the mat with Seulgi's hands in his neck. She released him, "give it your all, Kai. You're going to be pushed in the middle of a war tomorrow," she gave him a serious look and Jongin nodded.

He wiped his face with his forearm and stood up, "I can do it," he said and readied his stance. I looked at Namjoon who was already standing on my left, waiting for me to get up. I smirked and stretched my arms and neck.

We readied our stance and simultaneously smiled at each other, watching every move, looking for weakness. When he got distracted by the groan Kai let out, I knew that was my cue and with a smirk, I moved behind him in a slick move before I hit the back of his neck.

He fell down of one knee at the impact with a yelp and I made the mistake of reveling on that successful first move as he moved quickly, elbowing my thigh and sliding his right leg to get me off my feet. I lost my balance and fell down on my side with a loud sound, feeling a hand on my neck.

I didn't give up as I smirked and moved stealthily, giving him a fast jab on his collarbone and slapped away his hand on my neck. I took advantage of the mere seconds he used as he staggered backward and slid on my back to give him a kick on the stomach to guarantee his fall on his back.

I sat swiftly and locked his legs with my bended leg, knee putting pressure on his left thigh. I put my left elbow on top of my right hand which was holding his neck, pointing at his jaw. For a second, I thought he would already tap out but a jab on my stomach had me rolling on the mat.

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