Chapter 7

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I really love Jisoo unnie's character here. She's so funny and I always laugh just by thinking what she'll do next, hahaha.


During the first subject, I kept on looking at the blonde's way. She's slouched on her seat with earphones on as she stared blankly in front, looking uninterested.

The double doors of the room suddenly burst open which startled all of us including the professor.

"Waahh~! The cafeteria's chicken tastes so good~" a raven-haired girl said at her back as she munched on the chicken leg she's holding, not aware of the eyes that are following her every move. She's wearing an unbuttoned navy blue sweater with sunflowers, a royal blue shirt underneath, a pair of black jeans, and a pair of black sneakers.

"Aish! Every chicken tastes good to you," a brown-haired guy comes into view, messing his hair out of frustration. He's wearing a printed white long-sleeved long shirt paired with denim jeans and white vans.

The girl looked up to meet our eyes, "O-oh, uhm, h-hi? He he he. Ppoong!" She said sheepishly while waving her occupied hand at us.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING, INTERRUPTING MY CLASS?!" The professor shouted at them which made all of us to wince. I think my eardrums just popped.

The guy scratched his nape out of humiliation while the girl just bowed 90˚ degrees. "We're so sorry about interrupting your class. We're the new students," she smiled widely at the professor after the bow and roamed her eyes around us. She landed her gaze at a certain someone and smiled widely again. When I looked at where it landed, I saw the blonde girl massaging her temple.

The girl in front pointed at her, "she's with us!" She happily said. She's really beautiful and funny and the guy with her is also handsome. With the blonde girl, they are two goddesses with a god.

I looked at the professor who's really trying his best to remain calm, veins almost visible on his neck.

"Okay. Introduce yourself and sit and DON'T EVER BE LATE AGAIN OR ELSE, DETENTION!" he tried to sound calm at first but anger got through him. I heard soft chuckles and whispers from my fellow classmates, obviously enjoying seeing the professor's wrath and red face.

"Okay! We'll try," she said, oblivious to the professor's anger and looked at us. "Hi! I'm Kim Jisoo. Just call me Jisoo or Chichu. Ppoong!"

The guy looked nervous as he clasped his hands together and rubbing them, "Hi. I'm Hanbin," he said shyly as he bowed.

"Take your seat," the professor finally calmed down.

I observed the two, the guy named Hanbin walked briskly to the blonde's direction. When he finally reached his destination, he sat beside her and faced her, bowing his head while the blonde looked at him coldly. I was still calling her 'blonde' because she refused to introduce herself before the class started.

While Hanbin was on his way to the blonde, the girl, Jisoo, was about to follow him when something or someone caught her attention. She smiled widely and walked to the direction of Rosé instead. There was an empty seat next to her so she took it and smiled at her but Rosé was busy scribbling something on her notes.

Jisoo tapped her shoulder which startled the other girl and accidentally elbowed Jisoo on the ribs, pfft! Jisoo was scrunching her face in pain while Rosé worriedly looked at her, placing her hands in Jisoo's shoulder. I couldn't hear what Chaeng was saying while Jisoo was waving her hand at her, probably telling her it's nothing.

I saw Jisoo looked at the front and her shoulders went down. She reached for something on the floor and showed it to Chaeng with a pout. Chaeng laughed quietly while shaking her head and said something to Jisoo which made the girl smile widely with happiness, dancing in her seat.


I'm hungry.

It's my last morning class and guess what? The blonde girl was in all of Rosé and I's morning classes as well as her friends but guess what's more shocking? I still don't know her freakin' name! She always told our professors that she's not in the mood! Could you believe that?!

I quickly walked as I dodged people to get out of this class. I'm really hungry coz I didn't get to eat my breakfast. I woke up late because even though I know that no one can see through my curtains now, I still feel uneasy. I can't sleep because I still feel that someone was watching me.

I finally got outside and sighed in relief. I inhaled the fresh air of the hallway, away from the crammed air inside. I exaggerate sometimes, don't mind me.

I ran toward the stairs coz we're just on the second floor. I need food but I still have to wait in line to get it, huhu. I stopped running and fixed my posture. Although I'm hungry right now, I need to live up to my reputation, my cold-hearted-bitch-but-once-a-friendly-one reputation but all I can think now was food! I can't wait to get there!

I arrived at the cafeteria with my chin up and cold stare. When I was about to fall in line, someone called my name, "Jennie unnieee!" Chaeng shouted from across the distance to my left. I looked at her and saw her holding Jisoos's arm while making her way to me.

As they made their way to me, I walked my way to the line. I won't wait for them to come to me coz someone might take my place. They reached me and fell in line behind me. I faced them and up close you could really see Jisoo's beautiful face, just like her blonde friend, she's a real goddess.

"Unnie, this is Jisoo. You know her, right?" Rosé introduced as she gestured to Jisoo who was smiling widely at me but I saw something flash in her eyes. Was it recognition? Or is it something else?

It left me confused because I don't know what to think of it because it was gone as soon as it appeared, as if it wasn't there in the first place.

I just nodded at her and turned my back at them.

Maybe my hunger was just playing tricks on me.

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