Chapter 132

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Chapter 132


Lisa woke up out of breath as her heart pounded a little. Her dreams were a dreadful place. Jennie wasn't there even how hard she tried to find her. The moment she woke up, the only thing running in her mind was to find her and for the first time, she knew where to look as if Jennie was calling her.

She found her in the room next to hers and a weight was lifted from her shoulders as she walked toward Jennie's bed. Pulling a chair, she sat beside Jennie, her hand connecting with Jennie's causing her heart to pound louder in relief, putting all the workings of her mind at ease. She was finally home.

The whole of Erolin had felt it, disturbing the steady drive of their day, and leaving them confused and a little bewildered. Nonetheless, they went on as if it didn't happen, talking about it for moments before changing into a different subject.

The Royal family looked at each other with furrowed eyebrows as they went out of their rooms. "That was weird," Jungkook commented as they descended the stairs, his parents nodding in agreement.

Jisoo jumped a little in her chair at the shock it caused her, messing with all the papers she was trying to organize. She looked around her for anything weird that might've caused it but found none that was of importance.

She released a breath and stretched her arms a little then went on with her work. The next thing that had startled her was the sound of something falling on the ground, causing her to whip her head up toward the stairs with furrowed eyebrows.

Thinking something bad had happened, she clambered to her feet to follow Chaeyoung upstairs. When she entered Jennie's room, a startled shriek went past her lips when she saw Lisa beside Jennie.

It was as if they were holding their breath, frozen on their stand, at the sight of Lisa in her gray pajamas with her brown hair disheveled from lying on the bed for four whole months. She must have gone straight to Jennie's room the moment she woke up.

Jisoo noticed that Chaeyoung was trembling a little under Lisa's gaze, "Lisa," she said to catch the Royal's attention. Another gasp left her mouth at the unfamiliar golden eyes that were sitting on Lisa's then brown ones.

Lisa's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "what?" She asked, voice a little hoarse, clearing her throat a little. "Uh," Jisoo blanked out and then said the first thing that popped in her mind, "do you want some water?" Lisa nodded quietly with a small smile before Jisoo was off to get her a glass, eyeing Chaeyoung to come back to her senses.

When Rosé got a feel of her feet again, she slowly walked toward the bed, watching Lisa caress Jennie's cheek and tucking away some hair strands. She smiled in relief that one of her friends was finally awake. Wake up soon, Jennie.

She put down Jennie's change of clothes on the edge of the bed before turning around, wincing at the mess she'd caused. Picking up the basin and the towel, she was off to fetch some water once again.

"Here," Jisoo said, reaching out the glass of water to Lisa, earning her a nod from the latter, accepting it. Jisoo watched her a little awkwardly, she had no idea why. It felt like she was in a room with a stranger.

Lisa cleared her throat a little before putting down the glass. She noticed Jisoo still standing beside her, casting her an amused look, "what are you doing?" She asked, weirded out by her friend's actions, chuckling a little.

Jisoo was brought back out of her trance, relieved that it was really Lisa, and rolling her eyes before stretching out a comb to her. Lisa accepted once again, raising an eyebrow at her, asking silently what it was for.

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