Chapter 96

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Hey guys! I've been so tired lately so I needed to get away from everything and writing these books of mine are my only getaway. Thank you guys for waiting for this. I just got home from college and I'd have at least a week and a half for vacation then I'm off to college again. I never expected college to be this tiring but expect the unexpected, right? Hahaha.

Okay, I'll update two times today but the second one is a little short for an update, much like how I updated in the beginning hehe. I would update more in the coming days while bonding with the family so I'll leave you be.



You're mine now, and she nodded.

My heart was already hammering inside my chest as I stared in her eyes. There's so much honesty in them that it overwhelmed my being, freezing me in my position. I had to bury my face in her neck to hide my smile and the tears that were threatening to come out. She probably didn't even know she answered my thought.

As her ragged breathing filled my ears, I slowly moved my cold hands under her shirt. Her thighs tightened their hold of my waist as she released a shaky breath at my touch. "Lisa," I bit my lip at the sensation that travelled through me when I heard her breathy moan.

My fingers massaged through her milky skin as I licked my way up to her ear, placing a soft bite on her earlobe, "yes, love?" She groaned at my teasing response. "You're such a tease," I released a breathy laugh with her answer and retracted from her. "Oh, we are," I replied in an obvious tone and she followed with a laugh.

I'm already sitting, still imprisoned by her thighs and with my hands, still massaging her toned abdomen. My fingers moved in fluid and featherlight motion on her abdomen up to the edge of her bra then back down again, tracing the middle line. I loved the way she closes her eyes at the sensation while biting her lip and the way her body arches with my movements strikes me with pleasure I've never thought would be this good.

Her hiked-up shirt gave me the view of her milky stomach and it drove me to lean down, peppering it with light kisses which earned me a moan. I moved my lips up to the edge of her bra and jumped to her slightly open mouth. Her hands found their way to my hair and the way they moved softly through my scalp sent shivers through me. I was about to ask for entrance into her mouth when her brother interrupted us yet again.

"Jennie?! Lisa?! I think the cookies have been in the oven for far too long!" Taehyung's voice boomed from downstairs, stopping our intimate moment. Reminding me of the promise I made to Jennie, about killing his brother if this ever happened again.

I retreated from our kiss, "do you remember my promise about killing Taehyung?" I raised an eyebrow at her. She contemplated my question with furrowed eyebrows but laughed after a few seconds. "Yeah, well. Let me do the deed," she replied as I sat and fixed my wrinkled clothes from all the grabbing she did earlier.

Once we're done making ourselves presentable, I followed her toward the door but she stopped me. "You should stay here. Look around. I didn't just take you here to make out, did I?" She raised her eyebrows with a smirk, causing me to blush. I just nodded and watched her walk out the door.

"Tae! What did I say about leaving us alone for the day?" Her muffled and frustrated voice reached my ears as I scanned the room once again.

"Well, I wouldn't just leave the cookies to burn, would I?" Taehyung's voice was slowly fading away, telling me that they're on their way down.

"The oven's timed, Tae. It would stop on their own," I could practically imagine Jennie rolling her eyes while saying those words. I let out a soft laugh as I walked aimlessly around.

I felt something tugging at me. I furrowed my eyebrows as I didn't feel it before when I was here with Jennie. I guess I was too focused on her to care. It was still faint so I had to walk further until I was sure that I wasn't imagining things.

As I neared the back of the room, the energy became heavy and I already knew what it was. My eyes landed on a door located at the end of the room. I didn't notice it until now but I knew it was the source of that heavy energy.

An energy that only spells could carry. It was evident by the green and black embers that protect the door. Thoughts ran through my head. What is the meaning of this? Why is this door protected by a spell? Why here at Jennie's house? How is she or her family involved in the other world?

Then, the mystery of my Father's involvement with her family came into mind. What are you hiding from me, Father?

I need to go back home.

The colors of the embers represent something but this was my first encounter with green and black embers. I didn't know what meaning and what for, this spell was. My head is starting to explode with unorganized thoughts. But what intrigued me most as I stood in front of the door was:

Why was it visible to me? Spells couldn't be visible to anyone if they're not there to witness the casting of the spell which bounds them to it or if they're not the one who cast it.


My eyes went to my hands, h-how? Why? What is all this?

"Lisa?" My head turned toward the voice so fast I thought I had a whiplash. "Y-yeah?" I was dead nervous as I looked at her. It slipped my mind that she could hear my thoughts with all these mysterious circumstances I couldn't wrap my head around.

She looked bewildered with me so I looked at myself. I still had my hands in front of me so I quickly put them down, "what's up?" I asked, feigning innocence. She looked unconvinced at first but then sighed and smiled, "let's prepare for lunch," I nodded with a sheepish smile then followed her toward the door of the library.

A bundle of mysteries you are, Lisa.

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