Chapter 31

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Lisa's POV will be ten chapters long and it will clear some of your confusions.

Did you the news about amazon's mistake? Another BlackPink album will be released this November! Jenlisa day to be exact, hahaha! I wish it's true becasue some blinks were expecting it to be a full album!

So here's the second update today~


I suddenly felt pain in my head so I held onto it, massaging my temple. I blinked my eyes but it was still blurry. The dream stopped. Is she awake?

I heard her ragged breathing, telling me she's awake and I have to get out of here but my head wasn't cooperating! It still hurts. I wiped my eyes from my tears and carefully stood up, using the railing as a guide. I leaned on the railing for support and released a shaky breath. Thank god. It's done.

I used my vampire vision to see what she was doing but my eyes grew wide when I caught her looking around. Even though my head still hurt, I forced myself to jump toward the oak tree and got down carefully, my head getting dizzy.

I leaned on the trunk of the tree and massaged my temples, trying to ease the pain but got distracted by footsteps from above. I looked up and got shocked when I saw Jennie walking backward, fear in her eyes. Shit!

I immediately teleported myself out of their property and leaned my hand on the wall as I heaved a sigh of relief, suddenly feeling tired.

I need to tell Jisoo.

I thought but chose to rest first to let my headache subside. When I felt better, I ran toward the mansion to tell them about what happened.

I reached the mansion and entered it with a task in mind but got distracted by a smack at the back of my head. "Ouch!" I reacted as I looked behind me, meeting Jisoo's glare. Ooops!

I smiled forcefully as I walked backward to avoid another smack and ran. She chased after me, "you, little piece of monkey meat!" She shouted as she chased after me but even though we're using our vampire speed now, she still couldn't win. Hahahaha!

"Jisoo unnie! Stop!" I shouted back as I ran, laughing.

"You—! Ya! I'll smack you if I caught you!" She exclaimed behind me.

"What's happening?" I saw Junhoe said in confusion, walking out from the kitchen.

"You know you can't, unnie!" I taunted but I remembered why I went home quickly, making me stop abruptly.

Jisoo unnie didn't see it coming so she bumped into my back with force, making us fall on the floor. Good thing, it was carpeted coz if not, we'll be hurt.

"Aw," Jisoo whined on my back and sat herself up. I followed her and sat up.

"It's already four in the morning! Where did you go?!" Jisoo asked as I faced her while we're still sitting on the floor.

"You wouldn't believe what happened to me," I said in a tone of disbelief coz even I, couldn't believe it myself.

"What? You found someone who finds you cute?" She asked confusedly as she rubbed her forehead.

"What?! No!" I denied. She finds me sexy. I thought as I smirked mentally but that's not the point.

I turned serious as I looked at her, standing up. She knew that this was really important as she followed me toward the sofa where Hanbin and Junhoe were. They looked at us confusedly because of the sudden change of atmosphere but went alert as we sat down beside them. They faced me and waited for me to start.

"I met a girl today," I started but got distracted by their teasing smiles.

"I'm serious here," I looked at them with a glare as I let my eyes darken to pass the message that I was still their master. It made them straighten up as they focused on what I would say. They know that I won't hurt them but I still have the power over them.

I told them the story and they were all shocked after hearing it. The living room was in total silence save for the faint sound of the television as they leaned on the backrest, absorbing the new information.

"How did that happen? Our hearts shouldn't beat..." Jisoo said to herself, deep in thought.

"I think there's something going on," Hanbin thoughtfully said with his thumb and index finger on his chin.

"You're just stating the obvious, Han," Junhoe sarcastically replied.

"We need to know more about this," I finally said as I rubbed my hands on my thighs.

"You're right. But how do we start?" Jisoo unnie asked, curious.

"Let's look at the records in the mansion's library to know if this case already happened," I said as I stood up.

"Good idea. We'll look through it for you," Junhoe said as he followed, standing up.

"How about that girl?" Hanbin asked in curiosity.

"I'll follow her for now to see if there are answers she can give," I said as I nodded.

"I think her dreams might have something," Jisoo suggested.

I nodded, "I'll observe," I replied, "but be careful. It might trigger something just like what almost happened in your story," she added, pertaining to my own flashbacks trying to interfere with Jennie's dream.

"I will," I responded and prepared to go to my room. I was thankful that I requested to remove the security here from my father and suggested that my friends could take care of me. I also requested that only my close friends should guard this house because I could trust them. They'll arrive here after two weeks.

"Don't you think we should tell the higher ups?" Hanbin asked in thought which caught my attention. No. She might get hurt.

"No. This will remain a secret among us until we know what's happening."

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