Chapter 67

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Hey, guys. I'm sorry again for the late update. I was kinda busy today and I somehow rushed the very last part because thankfully, I've started this chapter yesterday so I'm also thanking myself for doing it yesterday, HAHA.

Well, anyway, look at my babies!! Rosé-unnie and Jisoo-unnie's exposed legs are making me sin! HAHA! Jennie-unnie with that sexy black crop top and Lisa-unnie with black laces is heaven! They look so gorgeous in here, like, drop dead gorgeous! They are the real Queens, y'all!

Well, anyway, look at my babies!! Rosé-unnie and Jisoo-unnie's exposed legs are making me sin! HAHA! Jennie-unnie with that sexy black crop top and Lisa-unnie with black laces is heaven! They look so gorgeous in here, like, drop dead gorgeous! The...

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"I am completely smitten by you, Jennie."

As I was looking into her eyes, I know she meant every word but her eyes spoke more volume than her words and I was so overwhelmed by them. I felt my heart burst from the emotions I couldn't contain and I could feel every nerve in my body tingle with every word she has spoken.

My stomach churned in unexplainable motion and my knees turned weak as she smiled at me hopefully, "so let's date, yeah?" she asked softly, making my cheeks heat up at her overflowing charm.

My arms moved on its own accord, slowly wrapping around her neck while I rested my head on the crook her neck, smelling her scent masked by my clothes' scent. "Yeah," I answered in happiness and I could almost feel my eyes tear up. I felt her arms tightened around me as she released a sigh of relief on my neck, making me shiver at her cold breath.

She laughed softly at my reaction, placing a kiss on the crook of my neck, making me frozen in place, knees wobbling. The nerves on my neck, where her lips touched, tingled with electricity. "Ya! Sneaky little bitch!" I slapped her on the shoulder but she just laughed, loosening her grip on me. When I saw her face, she was smiling from ear to ear happily and she never looked more beautiful than she is now. A perfect goddess.

Her cheeks colored while biting her lip and moved swiftly to place a kiss on my forehead, making me sigh from content. Our moment was interrupted by a burning smell and our heads turned to the pan simultaneously, a burnt pancake was in the view.

I immediately unclasped my arms around her neck and brought the pan to the mat beside the stove. I whined at the burned pancake while Lisa just laughed from behind me. I glared at her, "this is all your fault!" I always want my pancakes perfect and Lisa just ruined it.

She didn't stop laughing though and her hands were up in the air in surrender, "what? I didn't do anything. You're the one cooking, not me," she smirked cockily at me.

"If you didn't say what you said, my pancakes would be perfect," I reasoned out and turned my attention to getting the pancake off the pan and placing it on an empty plate.

I heard her footsteps from behind me and suddenly, I felt arms on my waist. I was frozen momentarily, "if I didn't say it, you wouldn't score a date with me," she whispered seductively in my right ear, making hairs on my nape rise at her hot breath while chills ran up my spine.

She removed her hands around me and laughed cockily while walking back to her seat. Okay...that's what you want?

"There will be no date, then, and this pancake?" I said that made her snap her head at me with her mouth agape and I pointed at the burned one while looking at her, "will be your breakfast," I glared at her and she was looking so scared in her spot.

"Wai-wai-wait, no, no, no," she panicked at what I said and moved toward me like a flash while I removed my apron, irritated. No one messes with me.

"Okay, okay. I'll eat the pancake but please don't cancel our date, please?" She grabbed my arm and looked at me with pleading puppy dog eyes and pouted lips. I was tempted to give in. I want that date but aaahk~ my pancake!

Her puppy dog eyes intensified and I was left frozen on my stand, my apron still in hand. I bit my lip. This is so hard!

"Please~?" She asked in her aegyo voice and there, I was done. I couldn't stand her aegyo. She's just too cute to resist! I just found my weakness.

I sighed in frustration, "alright but eat that pancake," I demanded while pointing at the pancake. She smiled like she won the lottery, "gladly!"

I just shook my head at her and proceeded to bring out some syrup for the pancake. "Hey, what syrup would you like on your pancakes?" I asked while looking at the variety in front of me.

"Pancakes? With an 's'?" I looked at Lisa who's already munching on the burnt pancake. Her cheeks were slightly puffed as she looked at me in confusion, the pancake in her hand. Some crumbs were on the corners of her lips so I sighed and moved toward her.

I wiped the corners of her lips gently, her mouth gaping slightly while looking at me. I smiled while I looked at her eyes, "you eat like a kid," I teased with a smirk. I could hear her gulped her food, "and yes, pancakes," I dragged the s longer, "cause I couldn't eat eight pancakes by myself," when she heard it, her eyes shined with happiness and I couldn't help but to chuckle.

I can't believe I'll go on a date with a childish but hot girl. I guess I hit the jackpot.

I bit my lip at that thought, "so what syrup?" I asked, picking my maple syrup. I didn't get an answer so I looked at her, only to see her blushing in her place, making me worried, "hey, are you still sick?" I asked in concern.

"N-no, I'm okay. I-it's hot in here, don't you think? And, I'll take the strawberry syrup," she replied while fanning herself, smiling sheepishly. I was still not convinced but I just reached for her strawberry syrup and sat beside her.

"Thank you," she smiled sweetly at me, making my heart melt. "You're welcome," I smiled back and divided the pancakes into two plates. We began pouring our desired syrup, laughing when some syrup spilled from the plate. We looked like a kid right now but I don't care as long as Lisa is with me.

I don't really mind my surroundings when I'm with her. It's like, my focus and priority is all her and I really don't regret giving her my attention because she's one of a kind, nope, she tops all kinds there are and I'm glad she took the time to take a glance at me too.

I was just staring at her, admiring the most beautiful view I've ever seen in my life with a smile. "Hey, Lisa?" I caught her attention.

She looked at me with raised eyebrows as her mouth chewed slowly, "what?" she asked in confusion, looking cute as always. I just smiled at her and wiped the syrup on the corner of her lip, seeing a pink tinge on her cheeks after.

"Thank you," I sincerely said while staring deep into her eyes, "for what?" she asked in curiosity while I just moved closer to her, planting a kiss on her cheek and leaving her stunned on her seat.

"For being you and for being here with me."

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