Chapter 23

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Here ya go for those who haven't seen Lisa's poster yet (which I doubt because Lisa is so breathtaking, you can't keep your eyes off her). Her visual is so charismatic! Jennie's visual screams fashionista. I got really surprised when I saw Jisoo unnie's jawline and gosh, it could slice a watermelon you guys! XD Rosé's visual screams girly and sophisticated. I can't wait to see their music videos and be amazed by their talents! We'll kill June 15 together, blinks!


"So what happened, huh? Why are you two together?" Rosé asked me while we were eating at the cafeteria for lunch.

"It's because of Chanyeol," I whispered to her and her eyes almost bulged out at the mention of his name.

"What?!" She whisper-yelled at me which only made me nod.

"Tell me what happened," she demanded, that made me turn to look at Lisa. She's sitting three seats away from me, sipping from her strawberry smoothie. She's still silent, deep in thought. I don't know what happened to her after our interaction in the class. She's really acting weird. Well, maybe not. It's her usual self before yesterday's event. Maybe, the bipolar thing is true.

"Lisa was there?!" I heard Rosé whisper-yelled beside me, making me look at her again.

"Yeah. She's the one who saved me," I explained to her.

"But why are you with her this morning?" She asked.

"Kyung-soo and Kai was with him and Lisa said one of them played with one of my tires but she called a friend to take care of it. We'll go there later after class," I responded which made her nod.

"I'll thank Lisa later. I don't know what I will do if something happens to you because of him," she looked at me with her teary eyes which made me shake my head at her. Such a cute crybaby.

I pinched her cheeks and smiled at her when she pouted, "ya! Don't cry. I'm okay," I reassured her and she just nodded with her lips pouted.

We returned to our meal but I caught Lisa's eyes on me as she sips. I raised both my eyebrows in question but she just looked at me blankly and averted her eyes from me.

Now, I'm getting irritated.

I ignored her throughout lunch and afternoon classes. Thankfully, she returned to her usual seat at the far left but some parts of me felt disappointed. I don't know why.

When school ended, she's still the same and it's making me have second thoughts on whether to have her company to go to where my car is or not.

She's on my left, walking with her head down, silent while Rosé was clasping my arm as we walked out of the building.

We stopped at the entrance after swiping our ID's. "So, I'll see you guys at my house, later?" I asked, pertaining to what we discussed earlier at lunch about our project.

"Yeah!" They simultaneously said which made me nod and smile at them.

"Okay! Bye!" I said with a wave which they retuned.

While Lisa and I were walking toward her Ducati, I couldn't take the silence anymore.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked her as I turned to face her. She's just looking ahead with a blank face that made me shake my head in irritation.

"Ya! If you're acting like this, just give me the address of your friend. I could ask for Rosé's help instead," I said as I stopped walking, facing her and combing my hair to the side with my fingers out of frustration.

It made her get out of her trance and look at me in surprise. I looked at her with a frown, tapping my right foot.

"Hey! Speak!" I demanded when all she did was stare at me with an unreadable expression, her eyes dark.

I groaned when I still received no response from her, "give me the address," I said in a low voice, gesturing with my hand as I look at her.

She put her hands on her waist and closed her eyes as she turned away, biting her lip. Well, that looked hot.

I got frustrated with my thoughts. Ya! Stop thinking things!

She composed herself and walked away, leaving me here looking at her dumbfounded.

"YA!" I shouted as I followed her when she ignored me. I received some stares from the students in the parking lot.

We reached her ride with her still silent. I couldn't contain myself anymore so I smacked the back of her head in frustration. "Ya! I'm talking to you!"

She crouched in pain as she held on to the spot with a scrunched face. "Ya! It hurts!"

Now that gets her to talk.

"It supposed to!" I said in a high-pitched voice in frustration.

"Now, give me the address. I'll just text Rosé," I said in a calm voice.

She looked at me, "no, you're coming with me," she said in a tone like there's no other choice.

"No. Not with this attitude," I said in a low voice, resolved.

She pulled on her hair out of frustration which startled me, "Aishhhh! I'm sorry...I'm just...aishhh!" She couldn't form a coherent thought which made me laugh at her while shaking my head. What's got into her?

"Ya! What are you doing, really?" I asked, still laughing. "You look like you've spent the day thinking about what you'd do with your life," I said with a shake of my head.

She laughed softly, "yeah, well, maybe," she said with a smile as she looked at me.

"Do you have a multiple personality disorder?" I asked in confusion as I cocked my head to the side.

She glared at me playfully and shook her head at me as she reached for my helmet. I was about to reach for it when she moved closer to me and placing it on my head. My heart began racing at our proximity as I looked at her face, focused on her task.

I could see her beautiful brown eyes, her cute nose, her red plump lips, and her porcelain skin as if shining under the sun's gaze. She's really perfect.

I could see her lips form a smile which made me realize that I was staring at her lips for too long, making me avert my eyes on the floor as I blushed in embarrassment.

"There," she said as she tapped my head when she finished. I glared at her playfully because she's treating me like a kid and it made her chuckle.

She wore her helmet and hopped on her ride, tapping the seat on her back, gesturing for me to climb on. I hopped on behind her and held on her waist tight. I saw her smile on the side mirror which made me conscious about my arms around her, making it loose but she held on to them, making it tighter.

I hid my blushing face on her back. I could feel butterflies in my stomach.

This girl is making me feel things!

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