Chapter 84

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Hello, guys! I'm so sorry about not updating for two days. I just have to travel back to my dorm because I forgot my files, haha. Imagine forgetting the most important things you need? And I told my parents I double checked my things before going, silly me.

But here I am now and here's the update! Also, I didn't get to stream SOLO for Jennie unnie's last broadcast today but thank you to every BLINK who made her last broadcast a memorable one. She wasn't even expecting it! I really love her so much! Stream SOLO!

Also, thank you guys for making this story rank 1st on the LISA category. Wow, out of all 4.5k stories with Lisa in it, I didn't expect getting something like this. I'm so happy about hearing this news even though I just saw it now. Actually, BlackaPinka posted it on my 'conversations' so thank you, dear!

Lastly, I haven't watched their We Will Channel You episode so is there anyone who knew a link to it with eng sub? Thank you for helping me!

Well, here it is, enjoy!



No one bothered me last night. I freely skipped up the stairs toward my room, still feeling dazed with the thought of the kiss, while ignoring the stares my friends were throwing at me as I did so.

Jennie couldn't sleep last night. I was there, stifling a laugh at her cute little self, seeing her rolling over the bed with the biggest smile on her face and it made my heart swell. I was the reason behind it!

I just watched her all night being up and about, reading the night away while occasionally darting glances toward my post at her balcony. Thankfully, her curtains were still black so she couldn't see through it, much to her disadvantage.

Then a thought struck me as I watch her getting drowned with the book she was reading. I fished out my phone and dialed her number all the while quietly jumping down the oak tree and finding a perfect spot behind its leaves and branches. I wouldn't risk the thought getting caught.

From where I was hiding, I saw her pick up her phone and smiled at my name, getting overly excited finding a comfortable position before pressing the green button.

"Hey, did I wake you?" I feigned innocence.


We were at our lunch table, feeling a little sleepy as we waited for our friends. Jennie was resting her head on my shoulder with her eyes closed as my arm snaked around her waist, letting her take some shut-eye for a few minutes.

I ran small circles on her waist to let her relax. She was already sleepy two periods before lunch and I just helped her be distracted for a while so she wouldn't get caught sleeping in class. So much for staying up all night.

So when lunch came, I just asked our friends to get our food so I could help her rest for some time. I leaned us on the backrest of the seat as I kissed her head and rested my head on hers, closing my eyes.

I wouldn't know I fell asleep if not for the shutter sound of a camera going off around us as well as the small snickers surrounding us. I slowly opened my eyes and caught sight of our friends with their cameras up our faces.

I started to glare at them and hushed them as I slightly tighten my grip around Jennie, feeling protective. I looked over to her and sighed in relief that she was still out from the world. I smiled adoringly at this deep sleeper beside me and whisper-yelled at these douchebags around me "shut it, you guys, she's sleeping!" Except for Rosé, of course, as she was just minding her own self while devouring her pasta.

But I needed her help, "Rosé, can you please stop Jisoo?" I said and it was done, just by a hand darting toward Jisoo unnie's arm and pulling her beside Rosé, Jisoo stopped. Rosé didn't even bat an eye and looked our way. Jisoo's whipped as heck!

This is the first time I saw a vampire being a cute little puppy to a human. If I am not one myself. I thought to myself as I looked over to my Jennie.

I was torn between waking her up to eat or to let her sleep the rest of lunch time but I decided to wake her just for a few minutes. "Hey, Jen?" I whispered softly, careful not to anger the little kitten in her sleep.

"Jennie?" I pushed until she fluttered her eyes open and melted at the sight of her gummy smile when our eyes met. She kept her eyes half-closed adjusting to the light, "yeah?" She asked in her cute little voice and I held my breath, trying not to swoon at my baby's cuteness.

"Eat your lunch," I said, earning a groan from her, burying her face onto my shoulder. I felt like my heart was going to burst at her cuteness and the thought of seeing this every day, every morning, made my heart pound in my chest in happiness. We aren't even a couple yet and here I am, thinking about marriage and a lifetime with her.

I smiled adoringly at the back of her head, kissing it.

God, this girl is driving me crazy! I thought in amazement and got startled when she whipped her face toward me with her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. We were only inches apart and I fought the urge to look down her lips as it tempted me to kiss it.

I had to restrain myself around here. We weren't a couple yet and we're in school. She has a reputation to keep. I wouldn't ruin that for her and definitely wouldn't kiss her without permission even though she said that I could do it anytime I want, at least that was what I understood about her statement, but not here. We'll discuss it when time comes.

"Did you say something?" She asked in confusion and I had to furrow my eyebrows at her question. "What?" I asked with a raised brow, baffled. "About driving you crazy something," she replied in her drowsiness, making me widen my eyes. I didn't say that out loud, did I?

I'm sure I didn't. I was just admiring her in my head, now way could it get out, couldn't it?

I was drowning in my confusion when Hanbin's voice beside me interrupted, "hey, your food's getting cold," he reminded and I was brought back to my task at hand. I would just have to think about it later.

I landed my eyes on Jennie and saw her slipping into her dreamland again. I smiled, "hey, love," I said softly, the endearment falling naturally from my lips and I had to bite my lip at the feeling that was budding inside my chest.

She hummed, "yeah, babe?" She smiled teasingly at me with her eyes still closed and a chuckle bubbled inside me. She opened her eyes slightly, "you need to eat," I urged her but shook her head no, "I'm sleepy," she whined softly.

"But you have to," I pushed and was startled when she opened her mouth, "what's that?" I asked amusedly. I had one slightest idea of what she wanted me to do and I was near hyperventilating.

"Feed me," she demanded drowsily and my knees went weak. "I...I am, uh, okay," I hesitated but she had none of it when she started finding a comfortable position again against my shoulder.

I sighed and popped a fry at her open mouth, she munched slowly almost mechanical. I used my left hand to scoop some pasta with my fork and gently guided it toward her mouth, "Jen, open your mouth," I said and she did so.

I heard coughing and gagging sounds from around me and whipped my eyes on the trio. I glared at them and hushed them. They all just laughed at me, "what's happening?" The cute kitten beside me, asked.

"Nothing. Don't mind them," I responded.

"Lisa's another level of whipped!" Junhoe whispered and chuckled, joined by the other three.

"I heard that," I muttered under my breath.

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