Chapter 103

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I'm so sorry this took a while but please enjoy. I'm actually helping my friends prepare for a scholarship and I'm sorry I have to sacrifice my time here for them but I promise, a real promise this time, that I would be active these holidays. I love yous guys, thank you for waiting months for this.




Warmth was all I could feel as I slipped from dreamland into reality. Warmth that differs from the rays of the sun that was all too rough in the eyes. Or maybe, the sun was still rising and decided to be gentle on me this day. I was thankful for his thoughtfulness even though he wasn't a witness of what transpired last night. Maybe, the moon was kind enough to tell him.

I sighed and snuggled into my pillow, hearing a hum. I smiled in content, relishing for a moment then froze. My heart awoke from her basal rhythm when the familiar vanilla and lavender filled my nostrils, eliciting tears to form again. I pulled on her tighter and sobbed quietly through her clothes. God, I missed her.

She grunted quietly and stirred slightly. Not a moment later, she had her other arm around me as she squeezed tighter. She hushed me through rubbing circles on my back and kissing my head repeatedly. "Stop crying. I'm here, love. I'm here," she told me soothingly that eased my mind. She's real. She's beside me and not anywhere I couldn't reach.

I clutched on her clothes as I looked at her face. She had her own waterworks in progress as she looked at me. I put my hand on her cheek, "you're real," I needed assurance and she nodded, knowing me so well. "Yes, I'm real," she smiled slightly and caressed my face in return.

I was confused of why she was here. I didn't know how she got here or maybe..."was it all a dream?" I furrowed my eyebrows. When she shook her head, only then that I saw the pain and regret in her eyes as she looked at me. "No, it wasn't and I'm sorry for causing you pain. I just didn't know how to deal with it that I did what I was good at, to run away. I was afraid that you'll leave me but also terrified that you'll stay. I've never felt like this before so I impulsively decided for you."

I slowly sat up as I went over what she said. From the corner of my eyes, she was observing me with fear and I ache to relieve her from those destructive feelings. In situations like this with options fight or flight, she would always choose flight, either from insecurities or inexperience. I've never known vampires could be like this. They've been portrayed as cocky, strong, and confident in the screens and I probably shouldn't compare a real vampire to the fictitious portrayal.

"You don't decide for me, Lisa. I've given you enough assurance yesterday. I told you that if I needed space, I'll tell you. You didn't give me enough time to comprehend what you said last night but I also beat myself up for not responding when you asked. We're both at fault here and I'm also sorry for causing you pain but you need to stop with those destructive thoughts that you have in your head. I can hear you all too well, my love," I wiped my tears away as she looked down in shame while nodding.

"I want to get you out of there but please let me help you. I can't help you if you don't want it yourself," I told her desperately. She nodded once again, "alright," she whispered, still looking down. "And please, give me fifteen to thirty minutes after you reveal something that huge to let me wrap my head around it, alright?" I said as I moved to bring her face up to see her eyes. "It's only been a few hours and I already miss you. Please, don't do that again?"

A few tears escaped our eyes simultaneously as she nodded. I smiled and kissed her softly on the lips, "now where were you last night?" I asked her as we pulled away. She rested her head on the headboard and smiled at me sheepishly, "actually, I never left," her response made me furrow my eyebrows, "what?"

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