Chapter 101

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Hello, everyone! I know I'm a bit late and you haven't heard from me for several weeks but it's our second anniversary so please, let it slide this once hehe.


two years since this photo happened and i'm thankful it did.



My eyes were filled with a new set of tears as I felt a gush of wind after she left me alone. My chest was constricting painfully at the result of our conversation. I felt confused, shocked, disbelieving, and frustrated at everything that transpired but angry mostly at myself. I regretted not saying a word after she confessed. I just had my thoughts all over the place. I don't really know how to react. For chrissake Jennie, just an 'okay' would make it better. Well, I hoped so.

But I didn't say anything and that's the problem. The fear–that Lisa has grown hatred for me–enveloped me and my heart beat picked up its pace–as if it wasn't erratic already–as I thought of how she thought my words aren't true. I sobbed at my misery and for the pain I inflicted to her. Now, she believed her thoughts were true. That it's just right for me to leave her, that she's a monster who doesn't deserve love and kindness thrown her way, and that she deserved to be treated that way.

And it hurts!

It really hurts that she has those destructive thoughts in her head and worst is that I made it seem like they're true. Oh, how I hate myself for this!

But fuck! If she didn't prove to me that she's a vampire by disappearing without a trace, I could've cleared it all up! If she just let me wrap my head around it for a few more minutes–a fucking few minutes–I would have found something credible to say to her and calm her down a bit! But she didn't and it frustrates me!

Great! Now I'm putting all the blame on her.

I was aggravated and it didn't help that my breaths were jagged due to my crying. I rested my face on my hands and wiped it from my tears. Crying won't make it better but it was a welcome escape from the pain. I wanted to escape but the thought of not seeing Lisa's face ever again weighed heavy on my slowly breaking heart. She could be where she wanted to be without seeing my face for a long time and I don't want that. I surely don't because for the love of god! I love her!

My throat was parched so I was forced to fetch some water to drink. I stared sadly at the glass on the bedside table before getting it and walking downstairs. I caught sight of my phone on the breakfast counter as I walked toward the kitchen and an idea popped in my head. After I drank a few sips of needed water, I reached for my phone and dialed Jisoo's number.

She wasn't answering. I was on my fifth attempt in calling her and my leg was now bouncing on the tiled floor impatiently. After several rings, the line connected and my heart jumped at the yells coming from the other line, "WHO IS THIS?! IT'S LATE AND I NEED MY SLEEP!" I abruptly pulled the phone away from my ear so it could see the light of day tomorrow and winced. "Ji-Jisoo unnie," my voice was still shaky from the rigorous crying that I did that it turned out to be a whisper and the other line fell silent.

She must have picked up on my tone and calmed herself down, "what happened?"

I bit my lip to suppress quivering and told her, "she's gone again," I looked down, my voice weak, feeling at fault. "What? Tell me what happened this time," she spoke calmly but her tone had an underlying authority in it. "I k-know what she is already, what you are too, maybe," I still wasn't sure if Jisoo unnie was a vampire but hearing shuffling on her line was any indication, I was right.

There was the sound of wind gushing and she exhaled, "open the gate," and as if on cue, a doorbell was heard. "You're outside," I stated rather than asked, "yes I am. There's no harm anyway. You already know what we are," she chuckled as I walked toward the door and the gate, opening it for her. I looked at her in amusement as I looked her up and down, ending the call.

She had a dark denim jacket on top of a pair of pink pyjama on –that has butterflies on it–and a white pair of bunny slippers. When I reached her face, looking at her slightly disheveled hair, she rolled her eyes, hiding her embarrassment but still visible on her red cheeks, and that was when I let my chuckle out. She huffed as she walked past me and into the house, not minding my outburst. It was kind of her to make me laugh at a situation like this even though it wasn't intentional.

She plopped herself down on the sofa and looked at me expectantly, "now, sit and tell me what happened." She said and tapped the spot beside her. I sighed, obliging her request then started. I told her about what happened in the glass cabin, about how she talked inside my head and why she did it–except how she did it. I also told her about the stalker who's been taking fort outside my balcony every once in a few days (the times when I knew she was there) and about Lisa telling me about it up to the point when she confessed being a vampire to me.

I took a much needed breath from all the talking that I did, feeling my face getting damp again from the tears. "And now she's gone because I didn't have the courage to say something or anything for that matter," I pulled on my hair in frustration as I sobbed and she pulled me into her arms, rubbing on my back to soothe me but it didn't help much like how being in Lisa's arms made me feel safe and secure, though it was enough to calm my breathing.

"We'll find her, alright? Lisa's a smart kid. She's probably beating herself up now if she had thought over what happened," she said soothingly and I nodded as she pushed me gently to face her. "Aren't you afraid, though?" She looked at me with a raised brow and curiosity in her eyes. I cocked my head to the side as she did, looking at me as if she had never seen anything like me before. "You're looking at a vampire and yet, you're calm, collected and you even had the courage to tell me what happened. If you're a normal human, you would've had cut ties with us."

I looked away from her and at a far distance, thinking the same thing and then as if everything clicked inside my head, I spoke, "I already knew but didn't have the heart to acknowledge it," I whispered and averted my eyes toward her. She had confusion all over her face and I smiled slightly. "I remember your first day in school. I caught Lisa vomiting in one of the cubicles of the comfort room and your cold skin when we bid our goodbye," I started as I reminisced our first day together.

"I had felt how cold Lisa's arms are even though you've all been here for a month now and not seem to adjust with the weather. I knew from how strong Lisa is and witnessing her eyes turned dark with a shade of red when she was with me, that she's not from this world," I looked at her and smiled, "and I knew now why she scurried away from me when she met me on the road. I didn't know what all of you are until now and I know you wouldn't harm me or my family because if you are dangerous, Lisa wouldn't have left me on the road and I wouldn't be here today."

Jisoo had an appreciative smile on her face when I finished and she pulled in a bone-crushing hug, like literally. "Jisoo! My bones!" I complained as she moved me from left to right. My body is getting sore and wiggling from her grip isn't helping my case. I fell limp on the backrest when she was done hugging me and she laughed at my state. "Oh, Jennie. Don't be so dramatic," she slapped my leg so I glared at her but she just laughed it off.

She sighed after laughing then looked at me, "alright, you should take a rest for now. I know you have a lot of questions but I wouldn't take the opportunity to answer them because I know someone, by the name of Lisa, who would want to do that and call it a date," she joked with a roll of her eyes making me chuckle and sit up. "I should probably go now. I miss my bed but I promise, if she hasn't come back tomorrow, we'll find her and I would smack her head once and for all," She huffed at the end of her sentence, causing me to chuckle again and shake my head.

I led her toward the door and onto the gate. She faced me with a smile, "you just have to accept that your lover has the tendency to be a dumbass sometimes, alright?" She deadpanned and I blushed and chuckled at the same time, hearing the word lover come out of her mouth.

I just nodded, "okay, I will," with a salute and she was gone. I should probably get used to that. I thought as I shook my head and sighed.

I hope you're right, Jisoo unnie.

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