Chapter 109

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Hey, guys! Guess what?!

The pinks have another reality show!!! If you haven't watched the above video, watch it now hihi. I was literally smiling and laughing the whole time I was watching it. Oh how I missed them so much. They've become more mature here hahaha. Their outfits look so beautiful in them! Especially Jisoo in that suit with a loose tie?! She'll be my death if she continues serving those looks.

And Chaeyoung unnie is going to dye her hair again! But she still doesn't know what color to change it into but I know it would look gorgeous on her no matter what. We also had JENLISA moments!!! They don't really change do they? AHAHAHA. Lisa is still whipped for Jennie! and they look so comfy leaning on each other huhuhu. I wish to see more JENLISA moments again in the future. I didn't know that I forgot how it felt like seeing those two interact hahaha.

Anyway, here's the update for tonight. Have a blessed night, everyone! I love you guys! And oh, I'll be starting to dedicate these chapters to all of you guys. It will be my 'give back' to all the support you've been giving me.



My thoughts were all over the place. I couldn't fathom what she just said to me. She's controlling herself around me because of my blood? What does she mean by that?

"I could hear you, Jen," She said with a sigh while the elevator dinged. She unclasped our hug and led the way out to the training ground. "I just...don't understand, that's all. I mean, you're studying in a university full of human people. How does that make me special, when I'm just one ordinary human girl surrounded by those ordinary human people?" I scoffed as followed her, making gestures to make my point.

She snickered, "why do you think I left you on the side of the road when we first met?" She questioned with a raised eyebrow, "and why I'm grumpy around you the second we met at school, as if I don't wanna be near you? Have you observed me reacting like that to anyone other than you? Well, don't answer that, I'm all over you from the start to care about anyone else. I mean, except for Chaeyoung, she's human, right?"

Yeah, right. Those moments are still a question unanswered. I sighed while looking at her as we walk which caught her attention. "Hey, what's wrong?" She asked and stopped walking to face me. "There are so many things that I don't know. Promise to tell me everything, please? From what I'm grasping, it is not just about you. It is also about me. With that thought, I'm petrified of what's unknown and ahead."

She held me on my arms, "I'm not only going to tell you. I'm also going to show you. To be honest with you, there will be times that you will doubt yourself. It is up to you what to believe and I'll be here to accept your judgment of what's ahead," she gave me a pained smile which made my heart pound in uncertainty. Am I really ready?

"Yeah, that's the hardest question to answer," she whispered and looked away, "but you have time to ponder on that later 'cause we're here." She looked at me and the pained expression vanished just in a snap. I couldn't possibly be able to pull that off because I wasn't as strong as her and that made me teary. I hugged her from behind, "I don't know if I'm as ready as you are in this but I know I'll be able to pull it off with you by my side."

My hold around her waist tightened when I felt her cold touch on my arms, gently holding me for comfort. "I'll be with you no matter what but first, let's finish this tour, shall we?" She unclasped our hug while I nodded, wiping the tears that built up in my eyes. She chuckled softly when she saw and replaced my hands to wipe them off. I smiled and closed my eyes when she placed a kiss on my forehead to remove my anxiety.

"C'mon," she held my hand and moved to my side, unblocking my sight. What greeted me was a vast space filled with different training equipment. There are several boxes on the site and some matted areas. A number of punching bags lined the left wing of the place. There were also couches and benches that were obviously for resting, several water dispensers, and some vending machine with snacks. There was also a door to my right which probably housed all the other necessities for their training. "This training ground is the most visited place of all the soldiers of the family. This is really just for keeping the men fit for battle. The newly recruited soldiers are trained in our homeland so you would barely see one when the Royal family is here."

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