Chapter 124

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Chapter 124


The time ticked by so slowly as we continued to be trapped inside this room. Lunch was served moments ago, and we were just lying on my chosen bed now while reading the books they gave us.

The door abruptly opened to reveal the ever so smirking Jimin. "Oh, I see, you're enjoying your stay here, huh?" He said as he made his way inside.

"What do you want, traitor?" Taehyung raised an eyebrow at him. My brother was slowly coming back to his old self, looking at the man with distaste.

He chuckled unfazed and looked at all of us, "I'm sure you'd like a change of clothes," he said as three servants walked inside with some clothes in their hands, probably for us.

"You'll need it for later. My Father wants to meet all of you for dinner. Hope you don't mind, "he uttered before turning around but glanced at us again and said," oh, wait, you don't really have a choice, "he chuckled in amusement as he went out while we rolled our eyes.

"I never really liked him," Taehyung said after a second of silence, making us look at him. "He's always calling whenever Kookie and I are together. It was as if he were watching us, wanting to ruin any moment between us, "I could see the frown on his face.

"Who's he before all of this?" I asked in in curiosity because I haven't had the slightest idea about the man. Last night was the first time I met him, and I made the mistake of blindly trusting him. He took advantage of the situation to get us in here.

"He's one of Jungkook's best friends and secretary," Chaeyoung answered, deep in thought, "but I don't know him personally." I nodded at her answer and looked down on the book on my lap.

"How long are we going to be here?" I whispered as I played with the tip of the page. I heard a sigh from Tae and a comforting hand rubbing on my left shoulder. "We'll get through this somehow," Rosie said in a sincere voice.

"I don't know but my gut tells me something isn't right," I replied as I looked at her seriously. "Well, for what it's worth, nothing's right at the moment," she said in disappointment with a hint of sarcasm.

I grunted and dropped myself on the bed, "You don't understand," I said in exasperation, almost pulling at my hair. "Maybe, you're foreseeing the future. Perhaps, you two are the dinner after all, "she widened her eyes at us for effect.

"You're not helping, bitch," I said frustratedly and sighed in annoyance. I heard their chuckles and I grunted, "you're supposed to worry, Taehyung! What if she's right? " I looked at Tae pointedly and he shook his head.

"Our blood is poisonous to them so they wouldn't even think about it," he reasoned out and looked back at what he was reading.

"Well, that's only true for your Royal match," Rosie said in a matter-of-factly tone and we looked at her in surprise and anxiety. What she said dawned on her and looked at us with the same anxious expression.


Our nerves grew as the long hand of the wall clock ticked dreadfully toward the 12 th . We were already done preparing ourselves for the dinner we were not anticipating for.

Taehyung was wearing a platinum gray matching suits and dress pants with a dirty white shirt underneath. It really emphasized his sharp jawline and you would think that they studied our style once you took a good look at us right now.

 It really emphasized his sharp jawline and you would think that they studied our style once you took a good look at us right now

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