Chapter 3

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Whoa! This book received so much love already! I didn't know I will reach my goal in one day but here it was! Thank you guys! Is it okay to get at least 20 views for this chapter? It's my goal for this chapter and because I reached today's goal, here is your treat! Enjoy!


I got a call from Taehyung, asking where I am. I told him that I was stranded somewhat near the 'forbidden land.' That's what they call it here.

"Okay. I'm coming for you," he said that made my eyes go wide.

"You're here already?!" I asked with excitement.

"Yes and I really miss you already! I'll be there quickly, wait for me," he said which I replied with, "yes! Thank you!"

We ended the call after that. I decided to just wait for him inside my car while blasting some songs from the radio.

While I was waiting, I can't help but think of the girl who just upped and left me here without even telling me her name! That's what I regretted the most, not asking for her name. Gosh!

I couldn't move on from what happened earlier but I am not really into supernatural beings and stuff so I'll just think that she made her way to her motorcycle when I was fixing my hair, which didn't even take a second because you just flipped your hair and you didn't even hear her walk her way there! My subconscious mind said.

"Aish!!" I pulled my hair out of frustration. That girl, really!

I heaved a sigh, trying to calm myself, when I heard a car's horn. I looked at the car and smiled happily when I recognized that it was Taehyung's car that was pulling over in front of me right now.

I got out of the car once again to welcome him and ran to his arms when he finally got out of his car.

"Tae! Gosh! I missed you so much!" I said as I jumped in his arms.

He laughed and returned the hug. "Yes, yes. Me too, kid. Hahaha!"

I pulled away from him when I heard what he said. "What did you just say?"

"What?" He asked innocently but I could see his smirk.

"Ya! I'm not a kid!" I said as I slap his arms continuously. He just laughed, "what? I'm older than so that makes you a kid!" He said teasingly with a laugh.

"Ya! You're only a minute older than me!" I said that made him smile teasingly at me again. "But still. I'm older than you," he said as he teasingly patted my head as I glared at him as I pout.

"Now, what's the problem with your car again?" He asked as he moved toward my still opened cover.

"It's overheated," I replied. He looked at the engine. He's wearing casual clothes consisting of a white v-necked shirt, a pair of demin jeans and vans shoes. He asked for water just like the girl earlier so I gave the water bottle to him.

He just spilled the water on my car's engine and closed the cover. "Try turning your car's engine on," he instructed which I gladly followed. When I turned it on, it finally worked! I didn't know that's all I needed to do to make this damn car work!

Taehyung knocked on my window so I rolled it down. He lowered himself to some face to face with me. "Let's go home?" He asked with a smile so I returned it and nodded.

We drove away though I can't help but take a glance at the road where the girl came from. When I think about it, there's really no one who chased after her after she went away.

When we arrived at our house, we parked our car in the garage and went inside.

Our house was big but not so big where you can easily get lost. It's a house with a theater room and a game room for a basement, two offices along the hallway near the living room, five big bedrooms on the second floor and a massive library for an attic which is my favorite other than my room. There's also a swimming pool in our backyard where Tae and I hang out after a day full of tiring works and conversations.

We decided to eat dinner at the table near the swimming pool. There was this glass-walled house-like shed near the swimming pool and the lights there gives off this cozy feeling and it gives us a comforting vibe. This is our most favorite place with our parents. This place holds our happy memories with our parents and they will only be memories for us now.

We sat in front of each other with lasagna and spaghetti in front of us. We silently ate our dinner under a comforting silence.

I sipped from my juice and asked him, "so, how was the trip?"

He was devouring the lasagna I cooked when I asked so he choked on his food. I laughed at him and immediately gave him his juice.

When he finished his juice, he wiped his mouth with his napkin and looked at me seriously. "I'm going on a vacation."

"What?" I asked, confused.

He slouched on his seat and sighed. "I'm tired, Jennie~" he said in his aegyo voice as he pouted and shook his body sideways like a clingy girlfriend asking for ice cream.

I just looked at him amusedly as he tried, as in, tried to pull that aegyo off. I burst out laughing because it's a big failure, hahaha!

I wiped the tears in my eyes when I saw him smiling fondly at me.

"You know, I miss the old Jennie. The one who's always smiling and has that friendly aura around her," he said as he points around me as if he could really see my aura and smiled fondly at me.

I sighed and looked down.

"She's dead, Tae."

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