Chapter 114

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Hey, guys! How are you doing today?

Have you been voting for BLACKPINK in the IDOLCHAMP app? Please vote for them because it will end tomorrow so our babies could take the award home!

Anyway, when I was reading back to some chapters, I couldn't help but feel shy knowing that I wrote a make out session between the two. I really blushed as I read through them and couldn't believe that I wrote them hahaha.

Well, that's it. Don't forget to vote and stream the MV! Enjoy, lovelots!



"Shh..." I hushed her crying as I discreetly wiped my tears. I held her close as her sobs and hiccups shook her body, breaking my heart in the process.

"I'm sorry," I apologized as I rubbed her back, pulling away from her gently so I could wipe her tears away. She shook her head, "i-it's not your f-fault," she said in between hiccups and I smiled jadedly, knowing otherwise.

I placed a kiss on her forehead as she calmed down. I reached for the pitcher and poured her some iced tea. I placed it in her hands but still guided it to her mouth.

When she finished, I put it down on the coffee table and faced her with a sad smile, "there are more things you should know." Looking at my sad smile she knew it would be as grave as what we fought over, better yet, more.

"But just as you know, I wasn't angry at you. It's just that, what happened in the past is still a wound that I couldn't heal," she said in a small voice as she looked down on her hands.

I nodded and placed another kiss on her forehead in understanding. "Do you want to take a rest?" I gave her a soft smile as she nodded.

I stood up and placed a pillow on the sofa, lying there as I beckoned her to lie on top of me. I stifled a laugh when her smile grew as she crawled on top of me with her head on my chest.

I felt a sigh leave her body as one of my own did. "Let's take a nap first before going onto our next fight," I joked and laughed when I felt her smack on my side.


I woke up to the feeling of her breaths on my neck. My neck flushed travelling up to my check as her breaths tickle me.

I tried to divert my attention, playing on her hair as she slept. I moved slowly and carefully so I could face her while she slept and smiled at how cute her dumpling cheeks were.

I couldn't help but to caress them softly as I try to memorize every part of her face. Sadness tugged at my heart as I looked at her slightly swollen eyes which resulted from her crying.

I brushed my fingers lightly on the freckle below her left eyebrow, a part of her that draws me in and highlighted her eyes. I pushed some strand from her face behind her ear so I could see her more fully.

I suppose it was still morning as the sunlight weren't scorching yet as it touched our feet. I bit my lip as I couldn't help but to feel giddy at our proximity and gave in to the urge to kiss her on her cute nose.

I smiled as I braced for her reaction but thankful that she wasn't waking up anytime soon. I moved my arm to her waist, lightly pulling her close to me.

I know this would come off as something perverse in nature but you would understand this reaction from me if you're in love with someone as perfect as Jennie Kim. In my opinion, though, there's no one as perfect as her in this world.

I sighed in content as her eyes began to open to look into mine and I couldn't resist the urge to kiss her, so I did. I didn't let her react as my lips claimed hers as mine, succumbing to my own desire.

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