Chapter 4

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Hey guys! So uhmm, I have decided to just update twice a day? Because apparently I still have enough time to waste and I also usually finish two chapters a day and I know you guys are just like me who can't get enough of jenlisa and one update can't quench our thirst, haha! So yeah. AND, chapter 3 has yet to make its goal with 3 more views but still! I'm so happy! Hope you enjoy this chapter guys!


"But seriously, I need a break!" Taehyung said as we continued our conversation here in the small house-like shed.

"I'm tired of doing paper works and sitting all day in my office. I feel like I'm living a sedentary lifestyle! I need to take care of these babies!" He said as he roamed his hands on his body, talking about his muscles which were nonexistent, hahaha!

"Yeah, you should take a break but I don't think you should take care of them. They're nonexistent, anyways," I said as I pointed to the parts he just roamed his hands on, smirking at him.

"Ya! You're hurting them!" He said as he hugged himself as if worried that his nonexistent muscles heard it. I chuckled at his antics and shook my head.

I looked at him seriously and said, "you should really have your rest from work. You're overworking yourself. Do you have a plan for your vacation?"

He fixed his position on his seat, "no, not yet but I think I can't escape work so...uhm, I'll just go somewhere for a week and stay at home with you while doing some paper works here but don't worry, it's just some light works that are the most important. I'll just ask my secretary to do the others."

I nodded as he spoke of his plan and I'm happy that I get to see him every day and bond with him because all he did after our parents' passing was to take care of the company and me but mostly the company. We're 18 years old when they died because of the people we trusted the most. They betrayed us in the most painful way you could ever imagine.

That pain changed me in every way possible. I am no longer the Jennie I was before it all happened but Taehyung took it in a matured way. He comforted me and took care of me. He also saved our company that time and four years passed, it is now a very successful company.

He's really strong, even stronger than me for being there for me when I needed him the most even though I know behind closed doors he was crying his heart out because of the pain the tragedy has caused in our lives.

It scarred us and that scar will remain in our lives forever.

"Do you wanna go with me tomorrow? Let's hang out with Chaeng. She's been bugging me about not being able to hang out with her anymore," I said as I shook my head.

He perked up, "Oh! That girl who stayed with you even though you kept on pushing her away! Okay! I'm really thankful for her, by the way. What time?" He asked happily.

"Tomorrow, after school," I said with a smile. I'm thankful for her too.

"Okay, good!" He smiled and poured some juice on his glass.

"Have you found yourself a girlfriend yet?" I asked him which made him choke on his juice. It was the same time I felt chills on my nape and felt like someone was watching us.

I looked around me to check but darkness was all I can see around me because the only light we have was the one here in the small house and the dim lights under the swimming pool.

"H-hey, help m-me here," Taehyung said as he coughed that caught my attention. I totally forgot about him! I stood up to rub his back and gave him the juice again.

When he recovered, he asked me, "why are you looking around us?"

"I don't really know."

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