Chapter 8

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Hello guys! I kinda had a writer's block today but at least I am two chapters ahead of you, haha XD! I don't know if what I'm going to say next will affect me badly, well, I don't know, I just feel that way but this chapter was by far my favorite chapter in this story.


"Is she really like that?" I heard Jisoo whisper to Chaeng.

"Yes but don't worry. She'll warm up to you eventually," Rosé whispered back. Jisoo just hummed in response.

I didn't mind their conversation behind my back because I'm close at getting my food.

I ordered some fish and chips, chicken sandwich, fruit slices and cola. If you have something to say, don't.

I roamed my eyes to find a table and luckily, I found one beside the window. "Chaeng, there," I said to her and when she saw it, she nodded at me. I went to the table and placed my tray on it.

I got my phone out to remind my brother to have his lunch. He's already on his vacation somewhere in Bali for two days now.

I dipped my fry on the ketchup and ate it while waiting for Rosé and Jisoo. They arrived with their tray of food and sat in front of me. The table was circular and could fit about seven people.

"Jennie unnie. You're really hungry, huh?" Rosé teased when she saw my tray which earned her a glare.

Rosé's tray was filled with fruit slices, vegetable salad and water bottle while Jisoo's tray was filled with chicken skewers, chicken sandwich, fried chicken, and cola.

I laughed at Jisoo's tray, pointing at it. "You can't live without chicken, huh?" I said amusedly at her.

Jisoo smiled widely at me, her eyes almost nonexistent, "yes but I didn't pay for this. Rosé did," she happily said which confused me.

"Why?" I asked them. "Oh, I accidentally elbowed her on the ribs which caused her to drop her precious chicken leg so I offered to buy her some at lunch," Rosé said. I nodded as a response. So that's what she's pouting about earlier.

"Let's eat," I said to them.

"Thank you for the food," Rosé and I said while Jisoo enthusiastically said, "Thank you so much for the food!!," as if she's about to cry out of happiness. We just shook our heads and looked at her amusedly while devouring our lunch.

We still have 40 minutes before our next class so we decided to just stay here and chat before its time to go.

"How old are you, Jisoo?" I asked as I looked at her, our trays set aside. Rosé is also anticipating her answer.

"Uhmm...twenty three," I got confused with her because she still has to think about it and not answer directly but I let it slide.

"Oh, so you're older than me, Jisoo unnie," I said as I smiled cutely at her with my gummy smile. I always want to have an older sister.

"Ya! Don't call me unnie. Chichu is fine!" She complained but I still called her, "No, Jisoo unnie! I will call you that," I said, determined.

She pointed at me and looked at Rosé as if she was about to cry, "Rosé~~~."

I laughed hard at her antics and Rosé's weird expression as if she was taken aback by Jisoo's action.

Yeah. Chichu is fine, hahaha!

Rosé looked at me and back to Jisoo unnie, saying, "see? She warmed up to you," to her.

"Yeah. Sorry about that. I kinda have that reputation here," I explained to Chichu.

"But why?" She asked, curious.

"Long story," I replied with a sad smile. Thankfully, she just nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

"So, how old are you again?" Jisoo unnie asked me.

"I'm 22 and Rosé is 21," I responded which received a nod.

"Wait. No offense but, why are you here with us and not with your friends?" I asked which was seconded by Chaeng with a "yeah why?"

"Oh. I'd rather be with my chicken than with them," she smiled sheepishly while scratching her head and we laughed at her reply. I already love her personality.

Jisoo unnie suddenly smiled widely at me which made me feel weird but I didn't question it.

"So, the three of you are the only transferees?" Chaeng asked Jisoo unnie.

"Ah, no. There are actually four transferees," she replied.

"Where's the other one then?" I asked.

"He's a Literature student but we will see him in our art subject later," she responded.

"You're all friends?" Rosé beat me to it.

"Yeah. We are. Is this an interview?" She jokingly said that made us laugh.

"Sorry, but last question, what's the girl's name?" I asked curiously.

I suddenly felt someone's presence behind me that made chills run up my nape. I saw Rosé looking at someone behind my back with her mouth agape and Jisoo unnie staring confusedly at the same direction.

"It's Lisa,"


I love the scene where Jisoo acted like crying and the last part because LISA IS SO COOL! I wrote this in the end because I don't wanna give you a spoiler XD!

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