Chapter 115

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Hey, guys! I have a serious question to ask.

How do you handle extreme emotions?

It's just that, I don't know how. I guess it has something to do with my being introverted and what's worse is that I'm an INTP.

Recently, a friend of mine was in an accident and she forgot about us. I struggled with my emotions and pushed them at the back of my head to be as logical as possible while dealing with it and now, when I wanted to let it out, it won't. It's been a month, trying to let it out but to no avail.

I just wanted some advice from you. I wanted to better myself because there was one time when I got annoyed at my members in one subject and I didn't know why I took it as a big deal when I know that it wasn't but it felt like pent up emotions coming to the surface. To tell you guys, it wasn't a good scene. I literally cried in the library surrounded by many strangers and some friends. The tears just went pouring and I didn't know how to stop it.

One of our school counselors told me that I should voice out my mind more but I couldn't get my mouth to run because I know I don't like feuds.

Another question: are you planning on continuing your studies even though it would be an online learning thing? Because I'm struggling whether to take a year off or not. Let me know, guys!


Chapter 115


We were both lazy to cook something so we just ordered some chicken, which will arrive after twenty minutes from now. While waiting, she continued reading through the book she set aside before The Case of the Purest Human Blood.

"What was your special ability when you were still an Yrídio?" She popped some chips in her mouth after her question.

I thought for a moment. "I actually have no idea," I furrowed my eyebrows, trying to think hard about it. I shrugged when nothing came to mind, "I was too young to ponder and find out about it. I was ten when I was turned into a vampire and the topic never really rose because we'll be busy catching up."

Hybrids or as my species call them, Yrídio, were a class most of the Vampires were afraid of because they possess special abilities that could potentially put our kind in jeopardy.

To prevent a swarm of Yrídio, Vampires as well as the other supernatural beings made it their responsibility to contain them in a manner just as how Ygeneís should do when they wanted to convert a human into a Vampire.

All couples of diverse species should ask for the High Court's permission should they want to get married and have a child. A lot of processes should be undergone by them in order to get it and it includes agreeing to be monitored once in a while when the child was growing up.

Once the child is of the right age, the Kingdom will assess them to know what their abilities are. They'd let them decide whether to be trained in our Military Academy and become the Kingdom's asset or not (but they'd mostly agree due to the privileges that come with it).

She pursed her lips in disappointment and I chuckled, "I thought I could see you lift that pile of books," as she pointed at them, "or manipulate the four elements like the people in The Last Airbender," she cutely whisked her hands around with furrowed eyebrows like she was gathering her powers which made me laugh.

"Some Yrídio can definitely do that. I honestly don't know mine which makes me a little sad sometimes and I think the reason the topic never resurfaced was because my parents also didn't know."

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